Difficult for Him

"I can wait if the High Priest is busy. I'm not in a hurry at all. Bai Ze, um… Is the High Priest Demon Heart good-tempered?"

He could not help asking that, even though he tried very hard not to.

If he knew the temperament of the High Priest Demon Heart, he could prepare himself better in advance. He did not want to be caught off guard and die without knowing how he died.

"Uh-huh?" Bai Ze raised his eyebrows again.

Why did he feel like Master Bai feared An Jiuyue even more than Lord Long did?

Could it be…

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility. Was the Bai family one of the ten halls of the Demon Heart Hall? Hence, Master Bai was instinctively afraid of the High Priest Demon Heart.

Based on Master Bai's expression, he thought that this was very likely.