Who Else Is Still Backing Her

Xue Yingyue was carrying a white fox and stroking its smooth fur when she saw an old nanny rush in from outside. Her eyes lit up.

"How is it? Did you find out why they came back?" she asked immediately.

The old nanny bowed to Xue Yingyue. "Princess Consort, there are people guarding the front yard. My people can't even enter. We can't find out anything," she replied with an ugly expression.

The Qiongzhi Courtyard was under tight security. They could not even see An Jiuyue, the Princess Consort. They only saw Prince Zhan Yun leave the Qiongzhi Courtyard and go to the front yard.

And she could not gather any information from the front yard either.

"Trash!" Xue Yingyue could not help but curse when she found out that her people could not find out anything.