Plot Against Me Behind My Back!

How could he not know about the situation at Zhan Beiye's camp after visiting? The camp was extremely short of food, and he…

An Jiuyue had stored most of the food supplies from Yueming Military Camp in her space. Those food supplies could support Zhanling Military Camp for a few more months.

"He recommended a few places. What do you think about starting with the Scorching Rock Peak?" he asked.

"Sure." An Jiuyue nodded.

She did not know any of the places Zhan Beiye had recommended. As long as there was a fight to engage in, she was game anywhere.

They moved the triceratops out of the space, got on its back, and headed in a certain direction.

"That detestable Zhan Beiye! How dare he plot against me behind my back!"

In Yueming Military Camp, Ming Fucheng's expression worsened as he listened to a deputy general report the losses. He was so angry that he almost smashed the entire tent.