What Should We Do? Kill Our Way Through?

Judging from the howls, the Warrior Wolves seemed not too big, similar to regular wild wolves. However, they possessed a certain level of intelligence and beastly strength.

The two of them made some simple preparations and decided to head in the direction of the Warrior Wolves' howls.

Night had just fallen, and it was time for the Warrior Wolves to come out and search for food. When Qian Jiyun and An Jiuyue discovered a pack of Warrior Wolves, they were fighting a huge demonic beast.

These wolves did not seem to have the upper hand, but they had cornered a demonic beast that was hundreds or thousands of times larger than them.

"They're really strong!" An Jiuyue whispered to Qian Jiyun.

She only said one sentence, but the Warrior Wolves closest to them heard it and stopped fighting to look their way.

"Mmph." An Jiuyue covered her mouth and nose. Although she was not panicking, she was still shocked.