Please Walk Behind Me

"So you're telling tall tales again, aren't you?" she asked angrily.

"Uh, well…" Wei Na was rendered speechless by her words.

He wanted to say that he was not telling tall tales; he really did not know what kind of demonic beast it was. However, in a sense, it was not far from telling tall tales.

"Master, why don't we go closer and take a look? We'll know what kind of demonic beast it is. Anyway, I know it must be a demonic beast. Besides, look at this place. Does it look like a place someone has lived in for a long time?" he retorted.

An Jiuyue looked around and agreed.

This place did not seem like it had been occupied for a long time. Hence, it should be a guardian beast.

However, Qian Jiyun was speechless at the thought of a demonic beast cultivating Original Soul energy. He had never even heard of it, let alone seen it.