I Like Your Boat

"I know, Captain Han."

An Jiuyue crouched down and smiled at him.

"But didn't you step out on purpose to see if I was here? After confirming it, you started thinking about how to deal with me. Am I right, Captain Han?"

"No! I've never thought about this!"

Han Zheng did not dare to admit that he had been thinking about how to deal with An Jiuyue when he was in the cabin.

At this point, he was like a fish on the chopping block while others held the knife. If he admitted to it, they would just kill him without hesitation. He would not be able to cry then.

"What's wrong? Captain Hu said you're the most vengeful," An Jiuyue continued.

"I—" Han Zheng opened his mouth to express his grievances.

Even if he were the most grudge-holding person, it would depend on who was involved, right? He was clearly not their match. Why would he hold a grudge? He might end up killing himself in the process.