Scared Out of Her Wits

One time, Han Zheng even threw a fish into Yuan Jingxian's mouth, preventing him from cursing even if he wanted to. Yuan Jingxian felt so disgusted and wanted to explode.

"You… Just you wait!"

He could not speak clearly in the water, but he was furious. All he could do was yell at them fiercely.

Unfortunately, Hu Li and Han Zheng could not hear them at all.

Meanwhile, on Yuan Jingxian's boat, the crew was furious when they saw how Hu Li and Han Zheng treated their captain.

However, they did not dare to say anything harsh. They were afraid that Hu Li and Han Zheng would be even more ruthless toward their captain if they scolded them. Besides, they did not dare to do anything to them.

After all, Hu Li and Han Zheng were captains, while they were only Yuan Jingxian's crew members. They were of different ranks.

They could only follow along when Yuan Jingxian wanted to bully them, but they had nothing to show in terms of skills.