What Did You Do?

"Then I must've misunderstood. Your Majesty is deeply saddened right now. In that case, the Eldest Prince can rest in peace in heaven. He won't be troubling anyone's sleep," he said.

"You—" The Emperor was about to vomit blood.

What did Qian Jiyun mean? If he were not sad, the Eldest Prince would be unable to rest in peace and would come looking for him every night?

The Eldest Prince had refused to hand over his great authority and even joined forces with his mother's clan to seize the throne. How could the Emperor tolerate this? He was already being extremely benevolent by not accusing him and allowing him to die with some dignity.

Who would dare to criticize him?

"Qian Jiyun, what do you mean? Are you rebelling?" He slammed the table and stood up, questioning Qian Jiyun.

"Uh-huh." Qian Jiyun did not deny it and shrugged.

"You… How dare you!"

Qian Jiyun's expression shocked the old Emperor.