Feast Day Pt.IX

[Aura Burst] caused a massive release of power at my opponents.

[Your physical stats have shot up by 10%]

It felt like I just dropped unnecessary weights. My body was freer and more comfortable. It was a nice feeling.

[Mana converted into Aura]

[Warning! Your body is incapable of properly storing aura, and you will keep leaking it]

My skill warned me of the dangers. Well, just throwing away energy was definitely something to avoid at all cost.

‘Use this too.’

A white naginata appeared before me. I grabbed it immediately and received a message.

[[Crushing Void] is pleased to be out again]

[[Crushing Void] thanks you]

‘Huh? This guy… completely forgot about him. But he’s nicer than that stupid sword.’

‘Yeah. I talked him into helping us. Unlike that stupid sword, he agreed with no comments, saying the last time was fun although we didn’t manage to activate his true effects.’

‘His true effects?’

‘That’s right, he cuts space!’