Beast man Tournament Pt.IX

No one expected Shitsuke’s sudden defeat. And definitely not within the first twenty seconds of the fight. They had all seen his abilities firsthand and had no doubts that Shitsuke was the strongest of the generals gathered for the tournament.

Oki especially took this information the worst. His gaze was firmly fixed on the tunnel where their opponents always marched out. He glared as if he could see the cause of Shitsuke’s embarrassment.

A golden light shone for a moment, causing Oki to gulp. He now trembled after being caught and loosened his grip on his mallet. The now-sweaty Oni sat down and shook his head.

“I don’t want to fight that fellow.”, He muttered, catching everyone off guard.

Still, not a single one of the generals could fault him for saying such a thing. They all felt the exact same way. They did not wish to battle Wukong either. And for some strange reason, they all felt like they wouldn’t even get the chance.