I still love him.

She didn't want to wake up because she was having such a wonderful dream. Someone had her in their arms, the flesh beneath her cheek warm and solid. And as she came through the clouds of sleep, she realized who was holding her. 'Raphael.' She leaned in close to him.

'At least you got the name right,' he grumbled huffily.

With his harshness came the recollection of the night before, Sophia pulling out of his arms to move away from him, her eyes wide with fear. His chest was bare, tanned, and covered in dark hair, and she knew from her proximity to him seconds before that the rest of him was as naked, their bare legs entwined until she moved away from him, her only night attire the ripped blouse that still showed signs of his savagery, too tired to take it off before falling asleep the night before.

His lips twisted as he drew her back into his arms. 'Is that any way to greet your lover in the morning?' he mocked.

'You're not a lover, Raphael,' he says. She pushed him away, unable to make an impression against his overwhelming strength. 'You're a tyrant!'

His teeth were visible in a sour smile. 'I'm what a mercenary little bitch who claimed to love me created me to be,' he grumbled. 'How about a good-morning kiss?'

'No!' she choked, trying to keep him at arm's length, whimpering in pain as the pressure of his hands increased on her arms, letting out a choked cry as he forced her to yield to him once more. The kiss he gave her was a punishment, her already bruised and swollen lips hurting excruciatingly.

'What exactly is it?' Raphael demanded impatiently, his gaze fixed on her pain-darkened eyes. 'What the hell,' I exclaimed. He threw back the bedclothes to reveal her nakedness, his jaw tightening as he noticed livid bruises in the shape of his fingers on her white body. 'How come you didn't tell me I'd hurt you?' He flung her away from him, flinging himself out of bed and yanking on his marke with angry movements.

'Didn't you know?' she asked incredulously. 'It's normal for rape to hurt!'

'I didn't rape you, dammit!' he yelled.

'What would you call it if you threw me on the floor, ripped my clothes off, and held my hands while forcing your way into my body?' She snarled at his arrogance, rising to her knees to confront him.

His haughty brow furrowed. 'We have a business arrangement,' .

'Not for rape!' she exclaimed angrily.

'For whatever I damn well want!' he said coldly.

'Not with me, Raphael,' he says. She shook her head. 'If you want vengeance for the past, take it with your hurtful tongue, but I will not be subjected to that type of physical subjugation again!'

'You don't have a choice,' he said sternly.

Her healthy bank balance indicated that she did have a choice, but it was one she did not want to make. 'I've always had a choice, Raphael, and most people do,' she sneered. 'I can either stay here, knowing there will be no more physical abuse like the one you showed me last night, or I can walk out.' She gave him a stern look.

'And what if I tell you to walk?' he laughed.

'Then I'll walk,' she said, nodding.

Sighing heavily, he met her defiance in her eyes. 'Stay,' he said impatiently. 'Last night was the result of suppressing too much anger for too long. It will never happen again.

Sophia frowned. 'How can I be certain?'

His lips twisted. 'I want to use your body whenever I want; by using you the way I did last night, I've now damaged you too much for you to be of any use to me this morning.' You can bet I'll be more cautious of you the next time.'

He had no regrets or apologies for what he had done, only frustration that he had bruised her too badly for her to satisfy him this morning! Raphael had changed so much in the last five years that he was almost unrecognizable. She wondered if she'd have the guts to stay with him long enough to try to find the old Raphael.

He joined her in the kitchen as she was preparing his breakfast after taking a shower, looking very attractive in a dark brown suit and cream shirt.

His expression was mocking as she placed the plate of bacon and eggs in front of him on the table, frowning as she turned to leave the room. 'Are you not going to come with me?'

She shook her head. 'I'm not hungry,' she says.

'Did you have anything to eat last night?'

She laughed softly as she remembered how it was all she could do to walk at the time. 'No.'

'Then you should eat right now,' .

'Perhaps I'll eat something.' 'In the future,' she added distantly.

'But no, not with me, hm?' he mocked.

'No, not with you,' she said flatly, the idea of acting 'civilised' with him after what he had done to her being completely unacceptable to her at the time. 'But we do have a business arrangement, and I intend to keep my end of the bargain.'

'Are you now agreeing to do the cooking and cleaning?' He scorned her. 'I was under the impression you didn't "do" floors!'

She gave him a cold stare. 'I'll stick to my end of the bargain,' she said flatly, leaving him to eat his meal.

She was in the shower when she heard him leave, and she finally let her tears fall into the water. She had shown him the Sophia Williams he thought she was, and she had known his brutality for her sins. It was a savagery she knew she could never endure again while remaining silent. But, no matter what she threatened, she couldn't leave him; she still loved him too much.

But if her defiance and sarcasm could make him so angry that he raped her, she couldn't keep acting like that. She'd have to treat this time with him as if it were her own, even if it meant enduring his rage and scorn while her defenses were down. She would be safe from his ultimate cruelty as long as he never realized she loved him.

After she had dressed, the first thing she did was return his home to its original state, returning the pictures and cushions, donating the flowers to a local hospital for distribution, and canceling the order for the television and stereo. She paid for the flowers herself and returned the other receipts along with the items. The apartment had become as cold and emotionless as its owner.

It was also oppressive, so she put on a jacket and went out, meeting Kat for lunch at the hotel.

'Rod told you about Raphael and me,' she realized after a few minutes of noticing Jodie's awkwardness with her.

'He—mentioned it,' admitted the other woman.

Her lips twisted into a rueful grin. 'Do you disapprove of the relationship, like Rod?'

'I don't see how it's any of our business,' Kat replied bluntly.

She sighed deeply. 'It was an error,' she admitted. 'However, it isn't always possible to do what you know is best for you.'

'You actually love him,' she says.

She took a long time to respond, knowing she loved him but also knowing it would take a long time to recover from his cruel treatment of her the night before. 'I'd like to be with him,' she replied cautiously. 'But I have no misgivings that he feels the same way I do'.

'He requested that you live with him.'

'Yes,' she said, sighing.

'You don't seem—overjoyed about it?' Kat smirked.

She smiled tightly. 'Moving back in with Raphael made me the happiest I'd been in a long time,' she says. She knew she used the past tense, but she felt almost as depressed today as she did when she had to leave Raphael five years before. Almost. In a way, she still had Raphael this time. It was the way she had him that made her so unhappy. 'But then, I haven't been happy in a long time.'

'I think I know a little of what you're feeling,' Kat pondered. 'Rod makes me happy—in an unhappy sort of way,' she grimaced.

'But I'm sure he loves you.' She glanced up.

'Oh, he does,' Kat said, nodding. 'And I care about him.' However, falling in love does not guarantee that everything will end happily ever after. I'm not sure I could live with his mother if he asks me to marry him, which I believe he will. But if we didn't, I'd feel bad. She's old and alone, and Rod is her only companion.'

She shrugged ruefully. 'I just don't think there's such a thing as a straight-up happily-ever-after romance.' If there is a "happy couple," they will most likely bore each other to death within a few months of their marriage. What I'm really trying to say is that some happiness with the person you love is preferable to none at all.