Say you won't let go

Adriana, Sophia's roommate carted down her trolley, shopping for the groceries that they needed at home. She checked her list and figured that she had everything except for one last thing. Her favorite brand of ice cream, God knows she needs that in the coming months especially with her on and off boyfriend tugging her heartstrings like she's a guitar.

She went down to the aisle that stocked the ice cream and noticed that there was only one last tub of the ice cream. Adriana walked fast to were it was kept, so that she could grab the last one before someone else does. Just as she was about to take it, another hand just grabbed the ice cream.

"What the hell?" Adriana shrieked. She was about to give the person a piece of her mind, she looked up, to see that it was a huge guy, who stood several inches taller than her with messy brown hair and blue eyes. He looked smug about what he had just done. It was clear that she was the one that was about to take the last bowl.