CHAPTER 4 : I Love You…

Meanwhile, the doctor came to check on him and followed the doctor to check on him was his mother, while Aoi simply sat outside his room, reading the same book she was earlier. Kurokami, though had already gone home, felt he had done the part he had to.

His mother, however, was in higher spirits than yesterday, since she just heard from the doctor that he's getting better and better. His mother isn't the type to overly dote her son. Well, because Yuu didn't want to be doted on, his mother simply played along. But of course, she cared for him the most, as he is the youngest of the 3 siblings.

"Then, I'll be heading back to work, don't worry to ask Higabana-chan if you need anything."


And so, his mother left the room. And was confronted by Aoi herself.

"Uhm…. Awagami…-san? Can I talk for a bit?..."

"Eh? Well, sure."

The two of them sat on the chair in front of Yuu's room and Higabana started stating what she was to talk about.

"About Yuu…. I want to…."

The two of them talked for a while, until Yuu's mother realized the time and went ahead.

"I'm back…" Aoi said as she gently and quietly opened the door, only to find Yuu staring at the window, puzzled by something.

"Ah— Welcome back?..." he didn't know how to answer, for he was always on the "I'm back" end, and almost never on the "Welcome back" end. Another thing is that it was the hospital he's in so he wasn't sure what to say.

"Well?" she sat down next to him again and asked him, "What's puzzling you?"

"Nothing, really. Thanks for worrying though."

"No. You're not yet saying anything. I won't give you an apple I peeled and sliced if you don't say it."


Apparently Aoi noticed that before Yuu bursted into tears, he enjoyed the apples she peeled and sliced for him. But even though she's asking him, she already has a rough idea of what it is.

"Are you perhaps… wondering if I confessed out of pity for the accident?"

"That's…." he only averted his gaze which made it more obvious that she was right.

"I already said it earlier, but let's see… then." Aoi stood up, leaned her face to his in a quick, clean motion for him to even react, and placed her lips into his cheeks. "Is that… enough?"

"Seriously…. It's bad for my heart if you keep doing stuff like this…." he averted his gaze not to the side, but now back to her, looking at her cute, innocent embarrassed face.

"It-It's hard for me too, you know!"

"Well, if you think she just confessed because of this sudden accident, trust me, I know about this more than you, and I can assure you that it's her genuine feelings." Sora once again popped out of nowhere which caught them both in surprise. "Sorry— forgot my bag."

"Seriously, one more time and I will punch you straight to the gut." irritated, Aoi insisted on him.

"Sorry, sorry. Well then, I'll seriously be on my way." said Sora as he waved his hand and closed the door, finally leaving.

"That dude never change…." said Yuu

"He's as annoying as he was, huh."

"As perceptive as always, as well."

The two exchanged their insults and compliments behind Sora's back. Until Aoi said in a serious tone.

"Hey, Yuu…"


"Do you… like me?..."

Yuu immediately became flustered, but he steeled himself as Aoi had done the same.

"Not just like, I love you, Aoi." Yuu said with a calm voice and pure smile at her, which made her happy, at the same time, she grabbed her hand and held it tight.

"I see…. I… love you too, Yuu." she as well held his hand tight, "Well then, go rest again, I'll wake you up for dinner later. Until then, I'll hold your hand if you want to."

"Please do." he replied as he slowly tucked himself, but this time, there wasn't a speck of embarrassment in him, just pure happiness. "Don't… leave me…" he said as he held her hand tightly while staring at it.

"I won't. And we'll always be together." she replied with her calm and gentle voice.

"I see…" he said as he slowly fell into slumber again.