CHAPTER 6 : Walking With Aoi


His eyes twitched at the morning sunlight peeking through the room's curtains following with the noise of the nearby chirping birds, along with….

"Good morning, Yuu." a soft and gentle voice came from his left side that he recognized so much after hearing the voice yesterday.

"G-Good morning?" in utter shock, he stuttered his greeting only to make it into a question.

"Why is that even a question?" Aoi giggled as he helped him sit up.

"I-It's just…."

He is probably confused as to why she was here so early, but before having the chance to say it, Aoi interjected.

"Ah—" she pressed her palms as she realized why he was confused. "You're probably why I'm here so early on a sunday morning, right?"

As it is Sunday, students and family members are mostly free the whole day, some stay up to play, some stay up to chat with friends the day before, or some just sleep like a log, Aoi however was on a different case.

"Well, you'll know once you're discharged. Here" she said in a cheerful voice while smiling as beautifully as a sunflower under the morning sun as she handed over a plate to him. Seeing this made Yuu embarrassingly happy and made his heart flutter.

"Thank you." he took the plate and started eating whilst Aoi sat back down on her chair.

A few minutes while Yuu was still in the middle of eating, he noticed Aoi staring at him.


"Eh?— Ah, it's just…." she averted her gaze slightly red in the ears, and finished her sentence with a "... it's nothing."

"Is that so?..." he didn't pry more, and continued to spoon the contents of his plate, until he eventually emptied it.

"Well then, Awagami Yuu-kun. We'll take your final check-up so you can be discharged now." the doctor entered just about the same time he finished eating.

Aoi then stood up and waved at him, lightly saying "I'll be here outside." while smiling at him.

A few minutes after the doctor checked him, the doctor also escorted him outside his room with different clothes that seemed to be given by her mother yesterday night.

"Welcome back. Yuu."

"Eh?—" confused at what to answer, and also flustered at the beauty of the girl who greeted him. "I-I'm back…."

"Then, shall we go?"

"Eh? Where to?"

"Of course, your house."

Aoi didn't say anything further and just pushed Yuu's back until he began to walk alongside Aoi. And after a while, they exited the hospital, and started walking home. His home was luckily not that far from the hospital he was in, so Aoi walked with him, but he soon realized that Aoi was troubled with something.

"Aoi? What's wrong? You've been sulking for a while now…"


"..." Yuu took her hand and held it tightly. "if you don't mind it to be me, I'll help you with whatever problem you have…"

"Yuu…" Aoi stared at him with a relieved smile on her face. "It's just… I'm still confused as to why you liked me… we never even talked that much… nor you know the true me…"

"Let's see... You're nice, you're cute, and you care about people, I know that for sure, so what's not to like about you?" he answered her as he smiled on her face. "Besides, whatever the true you is, I'll accept it, actually, I'll be more than happy to know another side of you." and he gripped her hand tighter.

"I see… I lose…, I guess… I like you too much too, Yuu…" she looked at him with a blooming smile.

"Tch…" flustered, Yuu averted his gaze and clicked his tongue.

"Eh? Did you just click your tongue?!"

"Yeah… it's just that…" he looked at her again but now with a pouting face and clicked his tongue again, but this time, he added a soft, gentle compliment. "Tch… you're too cute…."

"..." Aoi's flustered cheeks were bright red and caused Yuu to chuckle a bit.

"Geez, Yuu, you tease…" she pouted and stared softly smacking him.

"Hahaha—sorry, I said…" he continued laughing while gently holding her hand.