CHAPTER 18 : Yuu's Overwhelming 4 Hours!

The four had finished changing and went straight into their room, where they immediately sat in their respective seats as the next period was just a few seconds away.

….𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴…..

Yuu felt the overwhelming stares targeted to him.

𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵….

He only thought of one thing, which seems to be the most correct.

"It's just as you think, our conversation was overheard and now it spreaded throughout the whole academy. The part where you two are living together."

"I see, that's a pain…" Yuu's expression however contradicted his own words, it's like he didn't care one bit about it.

And so, the class went on for four straight hours, with deep glares and menacing stares targeted at him. He didn't care about this for two things. The first one is normal for him, he didn't care because he focused on listening to the lessons. And second, his mind is preoccupied with another thing other than studies, the thing Aoi said earlier. Which had left no room to spare for the glares and thoughts of the others.

"You alive, Yuu?"

A lengthy four hours had passed, and Sora asked Yuu who was basically lumping down now. Most of their classmates had already left the classroom, leaving only around 5 or so boys, and about a dozen girls, including the two couples.

"Haah— as much as they were only stares, that was more exhausting than I thought…."

Yes, it was only stares. But the same stares made him uncomfortable and unfocused on the class.

"Then, another good work, Yuu."

Then, Aoi approached him and sat next to him, by his right, the chair was already free anyways.

"Yeah…. I hope this ends soon…. But anyways…" Yuu paused and threw the thought of the continuous staring before and looked outside by the window. "It's pouring really hard…"

As said on the news, it was 50% chance. It wasn't zero, so it should be expected that there is a chance of rain, which had happened. The rain was pouring harder than the time the last period was over. The four had stayed on the room for a while before they went home, so now they're visited by hard rain.

"Looks like we'll have to wait for this to calm down, huh…" Sora suggested.

Even if they had umbrellas, it's pretty dangerous to just go ahead and walk under really strong winds accompanied by a storm.

"Hup—… ho—…." Aoi exclaimed as he moved the chair closer to Yuu.

"Aoi? What's wrong?" Yuu was confused as to why she was moving the chair, and as Aoi had sat back down… "Eh— Aoi?"

Since Yuu's arm was still on his desk, Aoi had rested her head on it.

"Let me… rest… until the rain subsides…." Aoi softly said as she slowly succumbed to slumber.

"Geez. Yes, yes. Good night…" Yuu said ss he gently patted her head, helping her to sleep even more, and she had dozed off while another couple, and a few other students on their classroom stared at the sleeping Aoi and the loving Yuu, who had realized the stares.


"Nothing. It's just… can't you two do this when you're at home? Alone?" Sora placed his arm on his desk and his palm on his cheeks, and sighed in exasperation.

"W-Well, sorry!" Yuu exclaimed.

"Just kidding, take your time, we're still waiting for the rain to subside anyways…"

And so, the four, with one of them soundly sleeping, waited for the rain to subside.