
I didn't make my father obey any orders, I just made it so that he'd train me then he'd teach me about the kingdom. I don't really know anything, being born in the lower district and all so I should make the effort to study about it.

There were a bunch of things my father excelled at in fighting, I chose to fight with my fists since I didn't want to always carry a weapon around.

After a few muscle excersizes he helps me by being my sparring opponent, and then giving me pointers on how to fight.

Though it was nothing amazing, the fighting method helped me in not dying to my sister.

True to her word, my sister started beating me up everyday. She'd throw a small fireball and then she'd smash my face in with her hands that was covered in her magic.

I'd learn how to dodge her, and despite getting better I have not yet managed to land a single hit on my father. Knights were really impressive, I think I was taking them for granted.

My sister, clearly not liking how I was slowly adapting to fights, had asked to be trained by our mother. She wasn't anything special, but being born in a noble household, she learnt a few tricks to grow her mana quickly.

Both of my parents were strong in their own rights, making me wonder how strong magic knights were, and the children who learnt from them.

Except the training, I've also been studying on proper etiquette, the names of the important nobles and clans inside the kingdom as well as the adventurers guild.

My father knew a lot, and after everything I'd make sure to do my daily quest before talking with Hannah.

I had no idea how to help Hannah become a healing user. She had the magic, but how would I teach her skills?

If I remember correctly, there was that system shop. I should open it soon, maybe there's some instructions there or something.

And these couple of days, I've been brainstorming ideas. How on earth would I get my sister under my hypnosis? She didn't like me, that's for certain. Plus, she's still stronger.

"Host: James (No last name)

Job: Disciple of Annah (Host's Mother)

Magic: Hypnosis, Magic Eyes, Fire




Infrared Vision

Power: 16"

Despite raising my power 5 times, my sister is at 23. She's growing too fast for me to match, what's up with her?

Though, she's been slowing down since she hit the 20th mark. Is that her limit?

Anyways, if it is her limit I should be able to overpower her soon. But how would I control her? I can't use command to make her like me, command can only be used for one time actions, it can't chance a person's thoughts.

The upgrades, skill upgrades is what it said right?

System, open the upgrades please.


Command - Adjust

Control - Enhance

Infrared Vision - Heat

Each upgrade is 10 power points, and every upgrade the amount of points required is increased."

Huh? How come I've never looked at this before, am I stupid? If I'm correct, Adjust let's me change a person's personality. And the heat skill, I am unsure of what it is but it'll probably be useful.

If I can adjust a person's behaviour or personality, there'd be no need to use control like how I did on my father. I didn't want to waste my party's space, so this skill is basically a must.

System, buy the adjust skill.

"Skill: Adjust

Description: Can change the opinions or behaviour of a person, can be used three times a day.

Note: Cannot make drastic changes to the victim."

...wait, 'cannot make drastic changed the the victim'? Does that mean I can't make her instantly fall in love? Damn, I was looking forward to finally enslaving her. She's been such a prick these last few days.

"Host: James (No last name)

Job: Disciple of Annah (Host's Mother)

Magic: Hypnosis, Magic Eyes, Fire





Infrared Vision

Power: 6"

And yet again, my power has decreased to 6. Ugh, I need power quickly... Is there any faster way or what?

System, any faster methods on gaining power besides daily quests and getting power from blood relatives?

"Host can also gain power points by killing monsters."

Wait, monsters? Like those beasts, you want me to fight them? Though, I probably could... But I should level up Hannah first, I'm not going there alone and Hannah is weak right now.

System, any way to teach healing magic to Hannah?

"Host can buy and implant information inside of party members. The more valuable the information, the more power points is needed."

I can just teach it to her Instantly? That's overpowered, but I'm not complaining.

Show me the cheapest healing magic information.

"Name: Beginner's healing magic

Description: Simple heal skill

Price: 5 points"

Huh, that's pretty cheap. I should go talk to her- oh, I can communicate telepathically.

System, implant the healing skill onto Hannah.

"Hannah has learnt heal"

Man, that was quick.

"Hannah, are you there?" I spoke out in my head, hoping for a response using the telekinesis.

"James? Yes, I'm here inside my house." Hannah replied to my voice, her soft voice reaching my ears despite our distance.

"I imparted with you the heal skill, as I talked to you before, you had healing magic. Please do try to practice with it, all you have to do is continue using your healing skill until you're out of mana." Hearing this, Hannah complied. She used her healing spell to treat a scratch I would inflict on myself, then I'd scratch myself only for her to heal it again.

Thought it hurt a bit, Hannah had progressed to power level 11, while I grew to 13 due to my daily tasks.

"Name: Hannah (No last name)

Job: Party Member

Magic: Heal



Power: 11"

She was looking pretty strong, so I decided to hunt my first ever monster.