Chapter #3.- The two smoking teachers.

Early at the morning, I was walking with my classmate and friend Catherine. We were three blocks next to the school, that day, school bus had a problem and we took the public transport.

We were walking on the sidewalk talking about some classmates who like k'pop and boys that looked like the singers (my friend loved so much the k'pop, I never was a fan, but i talked about it with her). We arrived to the corner and in that moment a car passed near to us on the roadway, it left so much of exhaust fumes until it had done a cloud of smoke to us. Eventually we started to cough; and we got choking in the cloud of exhaust fumes.

"Cough! Cough! Ah! This is a too heavy air pollution! Cough! Cough!" said Catherine coughing among the dense smog.

"Yeah! I can't breathe! Cough! Cough!" I added to her among cough.

When the burned fuel odor got gone, and the smog got dissolved in the air, I could see that the car stopped. It was Missis Karol's car.

Car stopped, but it continued switched on, and it was emanating a lot of smoke from the tail pipe. In a moment Missis Karol got out the car to call us. We walked to her; she was smoking a cigarette as usually.

"C'mon, I can take you to the school… if you want…" told us Missis Karol and she sipped her cigarette.

"Oh… Thanks…" I responded a bit surprised.

"Ah… thanks Miss!" thanked Catherine.

We aborded the car, in an instant a smell assaulted my nose, the car smelt like an ashtray, of course, Missis Karol had the habit to smoke with the windows close up, eventually car got filled with her cigarette smoke.

I loved so much to inhale her residual cigarette smoke in the air, it turned me on a bit, for another part, Catherine exclaimed disgusted:

"Phew… It… gah… sorry, cigarette smoke smells too strong… can I open a window?

"Oh… sorry, I was smoking while driving, really sorry for the reek, I… I'll open the windows up…" apologized Missis Karol and she open the four windows of the car.

It was not a special trip, in a moment we arrived to the school parking and my school daze started.

After the day as usually, in the rest, I went alone to the smoking area to see Missis Karol smoking. She was not on the place. But, for other part. There was another teacher in the smoking area.

My school was big, huge… the building only had six smoking areas, and that was near to my classroom. The teacher who was smoking, was Missis Stephany, a French teacher. She had white skin as snow, her green eyes looked like a cat, and her long and black hair matched with her angelical and smooth face. Her body was curvy and thin, middle wide hips and middle big breast.

I wanted to see her smoking closer, but this time I had a pretext to get closer to the smoking are without looking like weird.

I wait the exactly moment when she sipped her cigarette with her red lips, to my fortune, she closed her eyes pleasure while she was inflating her lungs with her cigarette smoke inhaling slowly, while she was enjoying her cigarette drag, I got closer. She exhaled the smoke doing a cloud with a pleasure sigh with open mouth and I arrived exactly to end in the among her smoke.

I coughed fake a couple of times to take attention from her. She saw me and she got a bit worried.

"Oh! Sorry! It was not my intention! Sorry my bad! My fault!" she said a bit nervous while she was fanning the cloud of smoke to dissolve it in the air faster.

"Oh… It's okay… it's my fault for being here... in the smoking area… so sorry…" I apologized to her.

"Okay, so… what do you doing in the smoking area?" wondered to me Missis Stephany a bit missed.

"Oh… I… I'm looking for Missis Karol, I thought that she would be here, but I see that is not here… hee hee… sorry…" I responded a bit anxious. I thought that Missis Stephany was so sexy smoking her cigarette, and looking so beautiful among the smoke trail of her smoky cigarette.

"Oh… okay… it's okay…" she only said.

"Well… I think I…" I said but, in a moment, Missis Karol appeared.

"Oh… Hi!" saluted Missis Karol to us.

"Oh, Missis Karol!" I said surprised, almost screaming.

"Ah… sorry for to be late, I needed to put order in my folders and I took a bit time" said Missis Karol; then she saw me surprised and she turned to Missis Stephany. "Oh! By the way… she's the girl" added to Missis Stephany.

"Ah? Is she the girl?" Missis Stephany said surprised.

"Yep!" exclaimed Missis Karol confident.

"Oh… nice to meet you, so sorry… I'm Stephany, I'm a French teacher…" she said to me.

"I know, you gave me classes when I was in my first year of high school…" I said to her.

"Oh… yeah! Sorry, I've too much students, but your face was familiar to me…" she said and she giggled, then she sipped her cigarette.

She inhaled smoke so deeply, then she opens her mouth to take a bit air to blow the smoke to my face. I felt her smoky fragrance, it was a heavy smoke cloud around me. I just saw the smoke surprised. I put a hand over my mouth and I hawked a couple of times while grimaced because I breathed so much of her cigarette smoke in a bit.

"Oh! Wait! No! Don't that!" jumped Missis Karol between Missis Stephany and me.

"Oh?!" exclaimed Missis Stephany confused.

Missis Karol got closer to her and she said:

"She's underage! If someone see you smoking your cigarette over her, maybe think you are encouraging her to smoke…

"Oh… sorry…" said Missis Stephany.

"It's okay…" said Missis Karol to her, then she turned to me. "Well, I invited her to our smoking reunion. Do you agreed with that?" said to me Missis Karol.

"Mmh" I nodded so glad, because Missis knew how to do a massive smoke cloud, and I loved the idea to see two beautiful teachers smoking at me.

"Okay… I'll see you in the parking lot after class… so, time to go…" said Missis Karol so happy like a little girl.

Missis Stephany got the end of her cigarette, she smoked, literally, the cork, and she put off her cigarette in the public ashtray. She exhaled a massive amount of smoke in a blow.

"See ya!" said Missis Stephany and both women went out slowly walking away clicking her heels and moving her hips with style. Literally; they left me so much smoke and went out.

All the school day I was anxious, I just wanted… wished to get the end of the day just to see them smoking. I couldn't wait more.

I only was thinking about how Missis Karol and Missis Stephany would smoke over me doing a dense smoke cloud until leave the air heavy with their smoky exhales. I fell in love for the idea to breathe all of their smoke while they were smoking their cigarettes.

In a moment, while I was lost in my thoughts. Catherine called me in the class.

"Hey! Hey! Pay attention to the class!" she told me.

I recover myself and I continued in the class trying to do not think about their smoking abilities.

At the end of the class, me, and Catherine ended in the classroom. I did a question to her while we were talking.

"Eh… Cat… what do you think about smoke?

"Smoke?" said Catherine missed.

"Yeah… I mean… to smoking cigarette… about smoking cigarettes…" I cleared to her a bit nervous.

"Oh… well, I think it is so gross! It stinks and it's bad for health!

"Ah…" I said a bit disappointed. I thought that she would be to my favor.

"Oh… okay, think about cigarette smoke as if… eh… exhaust fumes! Exclaimed Catherine.

"Exhaust fumes?" I repeated missed.

"Yeah! Cigarette smoke is like exhaust fumes…

I giggled and I asked to her:

"Where did you get the comparison?

"Oh, well, see it as air pollution… it reeks because chemic reactions… a car use fuel to move its motor, in the process it cannot achieved to burn all the fuel with its internal combustion, as a result it does toxic gases that get escaping from the tail pipe, or exhaust, that's the reason that it is called exhaust fumes…

"And… what does it have to do with smoking cigarettes?" I said to her.

"It's simple… a smoker does smoke because it inhales it from its cigarette, and then blow the smoke to the air, that smoke have a lot of toxins from the combustion of the cigarette, like carbon monoxide as the exhaust fumes… that's the reason that I think that cigarette smoke is like exhaust fumes. Stay near a smoker is like to sniff exhaust fumes from a car… it is so gross…

"Mmh… yeah… so gross…" I said to her with a fake expression, because I thought smoke is beautiful, and think for the fact that Missis Karol pollute the air with her car made it more exciting to me.

At the end of the school, I walked almost running to the school parking lot, despaired to see Missis Karol and Missis Stephany there. I arrived to the parking lot and the both teachers were waiting for me in the car.

They were smoking inside the car with open window, even so, the car had a heavy smoke cloud and the smell was so strong inside it.

"C'mon! Get on!" said Missis Karol to me.

I aborded the car and Missis Karol started up it. On the way, missis Stephany said almost jaded:

"Oh! I want to close the windows!

"Your whishes are orders to me!" responded Missis Karol and she closed all the windows in the car with the master control.

"Great!" said Missis Stephany.

"There is an ashtray in the glove box, take it and fill it with me!" said Missis Karol.

"Of course! Yes!" said Missis Stephany and she smiled naughty.

Missis Stephany took the ashtray and she was about to light up her cigarette, but she stopped in a moment and told me.

"Sorry girl… there will be no air for you during the trip…

"Eh?!" I exclaimed surprised.

"Oh, c'mon, she needs no air…" said Missis Karol and she lighted up her cigarette doing a big and creamy cigarette smoke cloud around her face.

"Oh… okay… I'll smoke normally as do I do it usually…" said Missis Stephany.

During all the trip. I kept my coughs, trying to breathe properly while I was inhaling smoke from her smoky cigarettes and their heavy smoky puffs and blows. I really loved the haze that they had did in the car. I wished that the trip was long to breathe relaxed their smoke.

I left a relieved sigh after a deep inhale among their smoke on the back seats in the car. I was literally falling in love for their smoky work in the car, it was so artistical, of course after that deep inhalation, I was about to cough, but I just grimaced a bit, I really wanted to get used to their smoke, to breathe more, but my lungs wished to get clearing in a hard cough.

In a moment I could see that Missis Stephany was seeing me so surprised. She told me:

"Wow! You really love our smoke! Right?" she said, and at the end of her phrase she saw me with naughty eyes.

"Oh… eh… mmh…" I doubted, but I nodded at the end between my shoulders so embarrassed and anxious.

"Tee-hee! Keep something of your lungs! you will breathe more of our smoke soon" said Missis Karol and giggled, then she sipped her cigarette to do heavier the air in the car.

"Mmh…" I nodded shamed while I was seeing her smoky exhale in the air, doing a cloud, I was a bit nervous, I was with butterflies in my stomach, a weird but lovely sensation.

Soon, we arrived to Missis Karol's house. We went out the car, Missis Karol turned off the car at the time that she was closing the garage door, some of the dense smoke from the car ended inside the garage, eventually, it got the strong reek of the exhaust fumes inside.

"Wow! That's a lot of exhaust fumes…" said Missis Stephany when she was seeing the smog inside the garage and feeling the reek of that. I fanned the air with a hand near to my face trying to avoid the odor of the burned fuel, but it was so strong.

"Oh… sorry for the exhaust…" said Missis Karol and she open a window of the garage to get ventilate it.

"I think that car needs a fix…" I said to Missis Karol.

Missis Karol only smiled me and responded confident.

"Nope, I don't think so… tee-hee… I like to do smoke with my car… it's, I don't know… it's… It's just funny" she tried to explain.

"Funny?" I said missed.

"Yeah! I think the same, I just have a scooter, and I like to pump the handlebar to do smoke with its exhaust fumes. I like to do it while I'm waiting in the green light of the semaphores in the car traffic.

"Eh?!" I exclaimed surprised.

"Oh! Really?!" said Missis Karol amazed.

"Mmh! Sometimes I see some pedestrian coughing when the cloud of exhaust fumes arrives to the sidewalk and walk through it.

"Wow! Sounds too funny!" said Missis Karol glad. "I like to leave smoke behind to pedestrian with my car. I don't know, it's… It's funny!" she said with a smile.

"I think it is not funny to pedestrians" I said a bit worried.

"Why do you think that?" questioned Missis Karol to me.

"Oh… 'cause… Because it makes them coughs! Exhaust fumes are toxic! I think this is not funny to breathe exhaust fumes… or smog… because it's pollution" I responded.

Missis Stephany laughed loud and she saw me a bit naughty, then she responded to me.

"Girl… people love the smoke! That's the reason cigarettes do exists!" she told me and she sipped her cigarette, then she responded pretty close to me puffing little smoke clouds in each word. "Never… forget… it!" she said and she blow me the rest of the smoke to my face.

Missis Karol sipped her cigarette too and she got pretty close to me too and added with smoke almost whispered.

"She's right…" and she blow to my face the residual smoke slowly doing a dense cloud of smoke.

I was hypnotized by her red lips throwing smoke from inside of her after a deep drag of her cigarette. I just could smile pleasure and nervous among her cigarette smoke.

"C'mon… I want to drink something…" said suddenly Missis Karol.

"Yeah… I'm dry too" added Missis Stephany.

We went to the living room. Missis Stephany and me took a seat on the table, Missis Karol went for something to drink and some glasses. Missis Stephany had the smoky ashtray next to me, each time, after some deep drag of her cigarette, she put ashes on it from her cigarette, a dense smoke screen arrived to my face eventually.

After a couple of deep drags and a pair of exhales to the air, Missis Stephany saw me through her own smoke as if she was in the middle of a dense haze and told me:

"So… girl, tell me... why do you like to breathe the smoke from a smoker? I don't understand... have you smoke a cigarette sometime? or... do you want a cigarette? Do you like the smell of cigarette smoke?" she told me and she sipped her cigarette and blow the smoke to my face a bit away, I could how the smoke cloud of her exhale was taking form in front of me.

"I don't know… but, I think that… eh… that's not the think. I mean, I… I like to see Missis Karol' smoke. I think… ah… eh… mmh…" I just responded nervous.

"It's okay… but, what about me? Dou like to see me smoking too? Right?" Missis Stephany said and she sipped her cigarette to blew the smoke to the roof, making a slight haze over our heads.

I saw how she blew the smoke slowly; she did a column of smoke that took a form of a cloud slowly and got dissolved in the air, of course, I could to felt the fragrance of her cigarette smoke in the air, and I fell in love while I was seeing the smoke dancing in the air with a cotton form.

"I think… eh…" I doubted, but I reaffirmed with decision to her. "I think you're beautiful too… Missis Stephany…" I responded.

She giggled and saw me with mischievous eyes.

"Thanks…" she only responded and sipped her cigarette. "But, it's okay, call me only Stephany, don't be so cordial, we are not in the school" she told me with smoke in each word.

"Oh… sorry… I mean… yeah… Stephay…" I said to her.

Missis Karol went back with glasses, an alcoholic drink and juice for me and told me.

"Yep, call me Karol too. Don't worry, we are between friends!" she said me with a smile.

"Oh… okay…" I responded confident.

Karol and Stephany were smoking their cigarettes, doing smoke drag after drag, when smoke got thicker in the air, I smiled, but and the same time I giggled thinking about the comparison of Catherine.

"What's so funny?" questioned Stephany to me.

"Oh sorry, I just was thinking about the words of a friend…"

"What did you thinking?" said Karol to me.

I giggled a bit among her smoke, I took a deep breath and I responded a bit anxious.

"A friend told me that cigarette smoke is like exhaust fumes from a vehicle, but… I think that's something foolish…

Karol giggled and she exclaimed me naughty.

"Oh… Vroom! Vroom!" she said and she sipped her cigarette them she blew me all the smoke that she inhaled in that drag with her lips like a cone simulating an exhaust pipe. "I'm a sexy car throwing smoke! Vroom! Vroom!" she said and she sipped her cigarette again to blow me more smoke.

I just giggled among her smoke, trying to keep my coughs, because I really loved how she was playing with her smoky exhalations like a smoky car.

"Mmh… I like the idea" said Stephany and she said "Vroom, Vroom" and almost immediately she sipped her cigarette and blew me her smoke.

I closed my eyes and I breathed deeply with pleasure, enjoying their smoky breath, it was like a perfume to me, a captivating scent that were come from them after each cigarette drag, so lovely.

They continued doing vehicles onomatopoeias while were doing more smoke to me, suddenly; I started to felt a bit bad, because smoke got so thicker until I could feel how smoke was crossing my throat to my lungs in each breathing, in each inhalation and exhalation.

I grimaced because air around me reeks like an ashtray and was so heavy, I took a sharp breath to start to cough a lot, of course, I couldn't clean my lungs for that heavy smoke, my body got shook with that loud cough attack, but I couldn't breathe properly, so I took another sharp and quick breath again, introducing more smoke inside me from the air, and I coughed more until I got breathless. I was choking among their cigarette smoke and I was loving it.

"Oh! Coughs!" said Stephany a bit surprised.

"Are you okay Clarise?" Asked to me Karol a bit worried while I was coughing.

"Cough! Cough! Gasp! I'm okay… I'm not a smoker, it... It was... just was too much smoke for me… cough… cough…" I responded while I was coughing and breathless among their dense cigarette smoke that was still visible in the air pretty close to me.

"Oh, it's okay, it was so much smoke for me too, cough… cough… I think I'm satisficed my nicotine habit for now…" said Karol to me, she coughed slight a couple of times.

In a moment, Stephany coughed too with a couple of dry coughs and she fanned the smoke around me to dissolve it in the air.

"Cough! Cough… Yeah, it is sufficient smoke for me too…" she said. "Uff… so much smoke" she said impressed while she was fanning the smoke.

Then, they took off their cigarettes in the ashtray. I saw the amount of cigarette butts in it, stained with a thick lipstick, and a lot of black ashes that was still producing a bit of smoke in it.

"Is that all?" I said to them a bit let down because I wanted more smoke from their cigarettes.

"Ah! Well, I've my lungs full of smoke now" exclaimed Stephany "If I continued smoking, I'll get breathless and I'll start to cough" added to me with her eyes too open.

"Uff, yeah, me too…" added Karol.

"Oh… I… eh… okay…" I responded with a smile.

An uncomfortable silence took the place, in a moment, Karol broke the silence.

"Oh… who's believe me? I need more smoke!" said Karol suddenly.

"Me too… I really want to smoke until cough…" said Stephany with a naughty gaze.

"Eh…" I exclaimed surprised.

"Do you want more smoke Clarise?" questioned Karol to me.

"Oh… ye… yeah…

"Do you really want so more smoke?" said Stephany while she had her cigarette in hands.

"Mmh…" I responded fast and anxious.

Both women laugh loud and they lighted up her cigarette almost at the same time.

As an explosion their cigarette did creamy smoke clouds in their respective faces, while they were kissing the cigarette butts. Smoke arrived to me in a moment and covered the table in an instant doing a heavy mist around us.

Karol and Stephany sighed relieved among the dense cloud of smoke. I got surprised by the heavy amount of smoke that they had done in the air.

Karol giggled and she sipped her cigarette, then she pointed to my face with her ed lips to blow me the smoke to my face. I didn't doubt nothing, almost immediately I breathed the smoke so deeply.

Then I saw to Stephany, she smiled me naughty and she sipped her cigarette while she was getting pretty close to me. The exhaled the smoke to my face with open mouth, but, in a middle way, she coughed up to my face suddenly, her body got shook and I received a couple of clouds of smoke when she coughed to my face.

"Oh! Sorry! Cough, cough! Smoker's cough… cough… cough" she said breathless and continued doing a bit wet coughs with residual smoke.

I got a bit moved and turned on while I saw Stephany coughing with residual smoke each by. I loved her to cough while smoking, her chest creaked a bit from inside while coughing. She took a heavy breath and sighed.

Karol sipped and dragged her cigarette; she exhaled the smoke by her nose and I could hear that her breathe whistled from inside.

"So much smoke… right?" said Karol to Stephany with almost breathless tone, but she looked like if she was enjoying that.

"Uff… yeah…" responded Stephany breathless.

Karol dragged her cigarette deeply and she turned to me to blow the smoke to my face slowly. I just saw the smoke, then; she told me among her own smoke cloud.

"Cigarettes are bad for health Clarise, don't miss it…

Of course, she was right, but I couldn't understand why I was so turned on, obviously to smoke cigarettes are bad for health, but I felt moved and exciting by their way to smoke. I couldn't understand why.

Stephany sipped her cigarette and she inhaled so much smoke with a pleasure expression while her chest grew up for expansion in that inhalation, then she blew me it to my face.

"Yeah… smoking is bad…" she only said to me almost breathless, her voice sounded like a little moan with residual smoke in each word.

"Mmmh… yeah… but… I think smoking if funny… I like to see you smoking…" I responded a bit nervous.

Karol giggled naughty and she sipped her cigarette again inhaling smoke, then she got pretty close to me, so close to my neck, she exhaled the smoke by her nose.

The hot smoke was almost burned me, but I loved it, I could see how the smoke cloud was going up from it to my face. It was a bit hard to breathe, it was so thick, at the same time she tickled me, I giggled. Karol kissed my cheek.

Stephany giggled too, and she sipped her cigarette. She got closer to me too and she tried to exhale the smoke like Karol did, but she coughed up to my neck doing the smoke bounced for all parts, then she giggled and she kissed my other cheek.

I had two smokers by my sides, I was getting choking in their smoke. I was loving that. My two smoking teachers.