Chapter-18 : Bully Akira

A/n: The entire chapter shows reality. So you might not like this chapter

3rd POV

Akira has exited from the infirmary and he is currently heading toward where his friends are.

He wants to check how they are doing.

Akira moved around the campus dabbing and showing his dancing moves around the campus in style.

Akira has planned to attract his friends by gaining the attention of the students on campus.

Today is the day Akira wanted to make his name on campus.

He doesn't have to pretend like he is a child anymore.

He had planned to behave whatever that is convenient to him

He is not the type of egoist who hides his strength and face slaps someone to prove them wrong. He is the kind of guy who just loves attention and he is against the idea of blending n the crowd.

Sure he liked his alone time with his friends. But there are some times when he would show off his coolness.

Today is one of the days he planned to steal the attention of the class

"Everyone I am back AND I is very much looking forward to stealing your hearts "Akira has to give some flying kisses.

It worked very well with Akira's sexy voice and his charm. Stealing the attraction of his class. Making everyone pay attention to him. Some of the girls have hearts in their eyes, some have cold and expressionless doll eyes on their faces.

"So did you guys miss me? I am very much pleased to meet you ."

"You don't know many lonely nights I have spent in the hospital room. Wanting to meet some other person's company "Akira told them while blushing like a schoolgirl.

Well, the blush is just a forced expression that made Akira look like a little boy in love.

The girls on seeing the innocent soft boy Akira made their hearts melt and the girls have vivid expressions in their eyes.

The boys are happy to see their fellow mate is well and healthy

A/n: Do you really think Akira steals women's attention. The men on the campus will be jealous. No please they are plenty of women on the campus for them to mate. And girls are the only one who is fighting for mating as they are the stronger race in the world. And the boys have a silent equality rule. They will support themselves if they are in trouble.

A/n: They aren't the annoying guys who will be jealous 24/7 fanfic generic guys, written by insecure authors. I am insulting anyone there, but who in the world would do write about it unless he has a superiority complex where he wanted to be 'popular with ladies. Well if they are a businessman, they would have a superiority complex. By arguing about this point, you are proving your insecurity. And please don't talk about me or accuse me of anything. Because in the end accusing me won't change your life.

"Don't worry Akira. I am here to serve you "Girl 1 told him in a white knight like manner (Stupid-white knights)

"No, I want to protect him. He is the best cute boy material "Girl 2 told him(Hero complex)

"YES.AKIRA, AKIRA, YES KING, YES King "Girl 3 is screaming some non-sense(Simps)

"how do you do babe~Let me take care of you" Girl 4 answered with hearts in her eyes(Creeps)

A/n: Do you see yourself in them or do you like this kind of girl. Well if you continue to be like this, it will be bad for you. Sorry for the author's rant

But there is one person who is jealous of Akira's attention.

"What's so great with a person coming from the hospital after being sick . And he is overrated being a cute boy. Just because he is cute and white doesn't make him act all childish and cringy"Layla told the crowd

The girls are angry with Layla for insulting their 'precious small bean(Boy) Akira.

"How dare you bitch"One girl tried to argue.

"Do you kiss your father with those racist lips of yours "Akira talked back to Layla

"W-what the hell, what is your language and I am not racist "Layla talked back with tears

"Gonna cry"Akira replied with swag

"A true woman never cries "Layla replied back

"That's a good shirt you have . Did your husband buy it for you? "Akira mocked Layla

"I don't have a husband, "Layla told Akira truthfully

"Yeah . And you will never get one "Akira told her

"HOW DARE YOU"Layla argued

"I am gonna put some dirt into your eye, "Akira told her

"Y-You DARE. A boy like you is better to belong in a bed rather than at a campus ."Layla said the words in rage. She regretted saying those words.

Every girl and boy on the campus is looking at Layla angry at her misandrist words

"Go back to hell you misandrist cow. Girls like you should die "One of the boys slapped her in rage.

"All girls are the same "Boy 2 replied

"What an incel . No wonder professor Gabriel picks her "Girl 1 replied

"Even we have morals you know . We never treat an innocent and cute boy like Akira bad "Girl 2 proclaimed


"Girls like you are reasons we don't get boys, "Girl 4 said in rage

The entire class is against Layla . Just for insulting a cute boy. She knew Akira's fan following and she knew who is the victim here.

"Stop everyone, "Akira told them

Then Akira told bullshit how people should get along and they should not fight with others and all the made-up stuff.

They easily believed him due to how popular and 'husband material' he is.

A/n: I am using stereotypes that are not necessarily applicable to everyone

"What a great 'husbando material.Cute,funny,nice . Totally a dream boyfriend " Girl 1 replied(Otaku)

"He is a God who is the boon for Women" Girl 2 replied

"I think you shouldn't be tainted by the hands of filthy women" Boy 1 replied

A/n: Yes, how you will feel about Boy 1 is the way I will feel about yuri . And no there is homosexual/BL content here . And many straight and sensible guys don't like yuri and it's their preference. Don't judge anyone's preferences. We all have ours . Whether they are good or not . Yuri in harem novels also counts as netorare . The girls are cheating on you by touching among themselves. That's no different than a man touching your girl . You all just use excuses to justify your kinks.

A/n: No offense to those who like yuri. But just know, that there are people who don't like it .*Sigh*I won't rant any further.I just showed you the reality of the roles reversed.

"If only the women in this world are like Akira . We wouldn't have those creepy stalkers "Boy 2 said.

Man stalking women is wholesome but a woman stalking a man is a crime in this world.

Stalking=perverts.Got any bulbs yet

The world is a total nightmare and yet heaven for a 'pheminists' .They got the world they wanted but they don't have their privileges.

Akira used his tool as a pretty boy very well . And he has gained a lot of leverage over his classmates.

Akira has left the crowd looking for lotus.

After searching for lotus on the campus for a while . Chess found lotus sitting in a fountain and told Akira where lotus is.

Akira has reached lotus after running to her.

"Akira "Lotus said with surprise.

Akira is panting after running for a while

"And you are... alive and safe, "Lotus said with teary eyes and resisted the urge to hug him.

Well she didn't want to ruin the perfect friendship between her and Akira

"How are you baby~"Akira has replied with a flirtatious tone and his sexier voice compared to his usual excited and childish tone

"Ehh" Lotus is surprised to hear those words from Akira.

She didn't expect Akira of all people flirt with her . It feels like a wet dream to her.

No, it felt like an unfulfilled wish to her.

At first, she just wanted Akira to live and be happy even in absence of her.

But after Akira's absence, she felt lonelier and hopeless. She just can't abandon him like that.

she needs to be with Akira . She couldn't sleep properly at all, she doesn't feel appetite.

In conclusion, she failed to live without Akira . She couldn't imagine herself without him.

Even the possibility of him dying scared her more than her life.

There are some people who value other's lives more than their own. And this is the fate of such people

"I am talking about you darling ~. You don't want to check on my favorite suck a bus "Akira told her

Akira has hugged lotus and he is rubbing her face with his cheeks.

Lotus has been rubbing her eyes to check whether it is a dream or not. She failed to accept the reality

"It feels like d-dreaming ."Lotus lost her awareness

"A-Akira's *Huh*cheeks are so soft "Lotus tried to hold back moans.

Even in dreams she never wanted to make herself a fool in front of Akira.

At present Lotus is the happiest woman in the whole world . That's the basic emotion she is experiencing right now.

A/n :Change my mind -Akira and Lotus is a well written romance .

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