New suprise inside the rift

A growling sound mixed with people's cries could be heard inside the boss room of the wolf den rift as a person ran out of the cave with a frightening expression on his face as life-threatening wounds could be seen all over his body, not only this person is wounded all over his body there is red blood gushing out of his body.

As this figure came out of the cave running he didn't look back for the second time as he kept running towards the place where the exit is.

As soon as he saw the exit of the rift from afar, he muttered a few words under his Breath  " I am alive' I am alive". 

At this moment the happiness in his eyes is something worth watching even though he is heavily Injured and panting for breath. 

Soon he appeared before the rift and was about to exit through it but before he could do that  suddenly something fell from the sky in front of him with a 'booming' sound as dust flowed everywhere. 

The guy fell to the ground as all the color on his face drained " N-no, I don't want to die here, I don't want to die".

The guy said this with a trembling voice, he mustered all of the energy on his body and started running in the opposite direction.  

However, in the next second, a Loud growl sound came to his ears from his back that made his body tremble in fear, in  the next second a Object flowed out from the dust at an incredible speed. He looked back to see how far he had run but only noticed a flying object rushing toward him, he didn't have the time to avoid the object as he heard a loud sound close to his ears. 

In the next second an instance pain washed over his body as he coughed out mouth full of blood. He slowly looked down towards the place where the pain originating from and sow a ax that dyed with bloods of his comrade directly pierced the left side of his chest.

" N-no I don't w-want to die here" he said as he felt his nostril has been blocked and his mouth full of the red liquid and he cannot breath anymore. 

In the next second a figure came out of the dust with the growling sound. He Looked toward the figure emerging from the dust. It had a 4 arm, muscular build body with a height of almost 3  meter holding ax like the one that pierced through the heart of the hunter on each of his hands. There is also one pair of teeth coming out of it's mouth that enhanced this creature into a more terrifying being. 

It slowly appeared before the dying hunter In the next second the monster waved the ax on his hand as the head . A memory flashed before the eyes of the hunter where he sow he is sitting with a woman and a little girl that resumable him in a everyway, soon the memory vanished and sow another a figure that is struck into the tree before the colour on his eyes vanished but still tears coming out of his eyes. 

Before the head could fall down to the ground it was caught in air by the monster as it give out a loud roar.

After giving a final look at the headless person and pull out his axe as teh body fall to the ground with a thud sound, after that the monster slowly left as the wolves who were frightened and hiding nearby slowly came out from Their hiding spot and surrounded the headless body of the hunter on the ground and they took Their bite. 

But little did they know there is another figure who is hiding in the tree and see everything. This person is none other than the team leader who is trembling in terror. He gulped down  the saliva on his throat as he Looked down toward the twi dried corpse lying down close to the tree. These corps are those that were sent after Aslan. " What type of monster is that !" 

" If I stay here anymore the only thing that is awaiting for me is death, I have to get out from here as soon as possible" he thought to himself but didn't dare to come down from The tree thinking the monster would arrive here again. 

After a few minutes of waiting when he saw that monster not coming back he slowly came down from the tree and without any waste of time he exited the rift. 

Only after exiting the rift did he let out a sigh of relief and recalled what had happened, they killed the two tail wolves but when they thought they had won that monster appeared and started killing everyone in sight. 

No one was prepared for this, all of them were caught off guard. No one thought there was a 2nd boss monster in one rift. Things like this never happened before in a low level rift, not only in low level rift, nothing like this happened before in any high level rift as well. 

After Clam down a little bit he looked more serious and looked back toward the rift " Even though the mission is complete, someone left with the information. I have to find that mask guy before he tells anyone about this things" 

At this moment Aslan inside the rift fighting creature that resembles the  goblins but their hands are much bigger compared to the goblin as their hand touching the ground as they Walk.  Not only that, this creatures has the purple color that is very different from the goblins who mostly have green or dark green color. 


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