city Lord wants to meet

"You haven't Used your true strength when you were fighting Oliver did you?"

In Aslan's question, Alia didn't say anything. Aslan also didn't press this matter anymore. After all, he knows Very well she will not place her life on the line for someone else. If he was in her place he would have done the same.

Aslan just wanted her to stay here so if someone came she couldn't make sure everyone is safe. He never thought Oliver Preston would be this crafty and that he would come here to Kill his family personally. " Thanks for saving my family"

" You owe me one" Aslan didn't Say Anything to her after hearing her words but just smiled.

"It seems we have to find a new place to live now," said Sylvia.

" Hmm, but before that, we have to save everyone who could be saved," Aslan said. Even though he doesn't have any blood ties with these people he is still feeling bad. After all of this happened because of him.