Getting a super skill on hand

" Don't tell me that Bastard sent me to a Lower world" jin thought to himself.

[ Lower world this word is usually Used for the world that has thin spiritual energy like the world jin currently is. Because of this thin spiritual energy at some point cultivator cultivation stops at some point. No matter how much they try they cannot pass that rank. As if something invisible blocking their way from advancing any further.

This also limits one talent. Because they are born in a lower world they cannot compare themselves to the people who were born in a higher level world. As lower world words are Used for low-level words there are also words that are used for high-level words. Where people are Born geniuses compared to a low-level world. Because they are nurtured with high-level spiritual energy from the time they are in their mother's womb their speed is always ]

Jin takes a long breath. " Fuck, that Bastard, he should have reminded me about this