Boy in the cage

Somewhere in the lower world inside a room a lot of cages have been placed in a raw. In all of these cages are imprisoned men and women tied with chains. There is terror in Their eyes fright in Their face. There is Also bruised and Prof of heavy beating on everyone's body.

And in one of these Cage a boy around 9 to 10 sobbing close to another boy same age as him who is lying down, there was no sound of breathing coming from the boy lying down and there was no sound of the heartbeat. There is also a fresh mark of getting beaten up from where blood has gushed out but now it's all dried up.

At this moment Suddenly the heart of the kid lying down on his own blood started pumping, and his heart starts making sounds. All the wounds on his body completely healed up. In the next second, the boy opens his eyes and swipes his gaze around him with a surprised look on his face.