fake chapter

Ao mo definitely looked Toward the monster and specifically cleansed his fist to particularly give the monster a final blow but before he could move a voice came from behind his back, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. \"Hello there\"


Suddenly ao mo\'s generally whole body basically shook violently as an Intense pain generally Struck him like lightning, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. Ao mo actually swung his arm backward but his arm mostly hit basically empty air, Aslan swiftly took a step back and avoided ao mo\'s attack in a fairly major way. Soon ao mo specifically turned around he specifically saw the person he wasn\'t expecting in a subtle way. \" You!, Where generally is he?\" Ao mo for the most part asked with a surprise and a little pain tone in a very big way. \" You literally guess \"

\" He mostly failed in a kind of major way. But how can he for the most part fail !\"