Weird Lillian

After entering the house, I couldn't help but ask "Hey, are those people out there the owners of the house by any chance?"

She stopped for a second and continued walking ignoring me.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said smiling wryly.


"Alright, first thing that a vampire experience is the hunger for blood and that is something most feel when they are turned... but..... you on the other hand are weird" Lillian started.

"Geez, you keep hurting my self esteem you know, if you keep doing that I might have to make you take responsability.... I have one question before you begin explaining more though" I said.

"Why did you turn me?" I asked with a serious face.

Lillian seeing my facial expression answered truthfully "Honestly, I guess it was your humor before death or the mere fact that you had peaked my interest with your strength. I thought maybe I can make a... bodyguard or someone to protect me. I have quite the bad reputation for killing people already so it would be a matter of time before someone comes looking for me"

I was surprised "a bodyguard?"

"Keep dreaming lady!" I scoffed " I don't know you and I honestly don't care what your life has been up to this point but let's make one thing clear..." I glared at her making her feel uncorfortable "You don't own me"

She looked down and stood up " I thought so"

When she stood up, I kept my guard up. Instinct is telling me to get ready to fight.

She ran with her vampire speed towards me with her arm stretch trying to pierce my heart. I saw her moves clear without difficulty, surprisingly, she was.....slow.

I grabbed both of her hands faster than she could react pinning her on the wall with force enough that made the wall creak. I had my other hand on her throat.

"H-how can you be this s-strong" she managed to say.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance and let her go but not before taking her ring away without her realising it was gone.

Once I let her go, she started coughing "Must you be so brute?"

"You were the one that tried to kill me just now!" I shrugged but kept my guard up.

She sighed " Something told me you wouldn't agree with me but I had to make sure you can defend yourself atleast"

"So what was that then?" I rose my brow.

"A test" she said looking away.

"I see" I rolled my eyes.

She sent a glare and just sat down on the couch in front of me again.

"Honestly, I had a feeling you would disagree the moment I felt you had control of the situation when you drank from that girl. I've never seen control like that before. Then again, I'm not that old so I wouldn't know much but most vampires I see lose control the first time they drink blood" she paused "You had me intrigued. You are stronger and faster than even me, and new vampires are supposed to be weaker the younger they are and you are 21 and I'm 43, so it must be because you were physically stronger when you were human"

"43?" was the only thing that registered in my mind "that means you were turn not too long ago, you are also new" I said.

"Yes, 5 years ago to be exact. I was turned when I was 38, I had consumption and was ready to die but a nurse fed me her blood and here I am" She sounded sad " after being turned I went back to see my sons but when I saw little Stefan I wanted to drink his blood so bad that I had to run away before I kill him"

"There are regular vampires and then there is me, a ripper, a ripper feeds until the victim is dead or a headless corpse"

"No offense Lillian but you are the weird one here" I chuckled.

"So, want to explain what the pros and cons are for a vampire?" I asked curious.

"Well, you have enchanced strength, speed, stamina and all that. Your senses have been hightened by large margin, we can compell people, and some vampires managed to develop some unique abilities to their own" She summirised everything.

"That sounds like a dream and nightmare if you ask me" I said.

"Well, yeah but you can die if you are beheade, if your heart is ripped out, a wooden stake and the sun kills you too" she said as she glanced at her hand and widen her eyes seeing her ring gone.

She stood up and started looking for it everywhere, meanwhile I was thinking of the advabtages and disadvantages of being a vampire.

I need a ring as well, and something inside my heart feels a connection to someone and I don't like this thread I feel.

After thinking of a plan for 15 minutes and finally got fed-up by her running around.

"Stop moving!" I yelled "You are making me lose focus"

"I need to find it" she kept muttering.

"Find what?" I asked.

"MY RING!" she yelled with tears threatening to fall.

"Oh this?" I showed her the ring and she pounced on me but I evaded her.

"Give it to me" she said angry.

"I needed it" I threw it to her.

"For what?" she scoffed catching the ring.

"I needed to see what was protecting you, I can definetly feel some power in there. That is Lapis Lazule, does it have to be that type of stone for it to work?" I asked curious, thinking I had a ring with a rock like this at home.

"Yes, apparently it seems so" answered Lillian.

"Alright then, It's dark right now. I better go before sun rises" I clapped my hands and started walking to the door.

"So...does...that mean no for the bodyguard part?" muttered Lillian.

I sighed "No"

"Oh...okay...umm, must you leave already? I was hoping we could share a drink or...I don't know. Somehow I feel like when I with you my urges to feed are lessened by alot" She admitted in a low voice.

My eyes twitched in annoyance, "Alright. I can help you for a week. in that whole week I will help you feed, however it's just a week. After that I'm gone, I need to figure some things out"

"Thank you" she smiled kindly.

"Whatever, take it as a thanks for saving/ruining my life"

"I gave you your gift didn't I. You said and I quote "Death Will Be a Gift" before dying. well guess you are dead now" My eyes twitched yet again.

How insufferable can this woman be.