Welcome Home and Finding a New Maid

I ran like hell using my new speed because the sun was starting to come up, only a couple miles more and I'm home.

I had to pass by my old station because if I don't show up, they will eventually consider me dead and would take my properties for themselves. So I had to go and compell them that I was injured in battle and was sent home thanking me for my service and to never bother me again, this is why I was a little late.

The sun was literally right on my ass but I could see my manor. I bought a new home almost a year ago but since I went to service I hadn't had the opportunity to go out and meet the new neighbors, also I live in the out skirts of a small town called Mystic Falls.






"Wow... barely made it" I breathed heavily as I entered my manor.

"I'm home!"

"Yeah, right! as if I have people waiting for me" I walked to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich before I go to sleep, tonight I would have to go outside this mansion and find a witch to make me one of those rings, being outside only at night is stupid. I want to enjoy the deadly sun but I don't have that priviledge yet.

After eating, I went to my room upstairs. The master bedroom, it was huge with the biggest bed in the manor.

My home has a considerable amount of land that can be used to have a field of flowers out front and back. It wasn't the biggest but It was big.

I would need to hire new servants if I want to keep this land and the house clean and neat.

I couldn't let old man Marco do the job since he was old and would probably die on my field which is why I had to fire him because he didn't want to to leave on his own due to being devote to my house but I wasn't having none of that and fired him.

I'll go look for maid and a land caretaker tonight, see what I can find.

but for now, I'll go to sleep.



My eyes open when I heard a rooster crow, I looked outside and saw a rooster running away from my manor as if its life depended on it.

the sun was setting down so it was time for me to go outside.

'Don't roosters usually crow in the morning though... also how the fuck did it get inside?'


I changed my clothes and dressed formally.

I was walking down the town and I notice a big manor in the center of town, it was lively in there. There were men drinking and women going around the house giggling to themselves.

I licked my lips and walked towards those women.

"Excume me, mam" I approached a blonde mature woman who seems down for some reason.

She looked up "Hmm? Oh Hello there" she said putting on a smile on her face.

I smiled back though I knew hers was fake. "I was wondering what's all this going on?"

Her smile disappeared "Oh, you must be looking for the men. They are overthere exchanging guns" she pointed to where the men were.

'What? why would I want to speak with them? this woman...'

"But I want to talk to you, too much masculinity overthere" I whispered the last part.

She giggled and nodded "Come" she signaled me to follow her.

I followed her and she took me to a small women gathering in the back, they were all chatting and laughing happily when they noticed us they stopped chatting and waited for us.

"Who is this, Madison?" asked a burnette, equally bombshell as Madison.

"Sarah, Hehe, this here is... umm" she stopped and poked her chin with her finger thinking.

I chuckled "I'm Santiago. I moved here less then a year ago, I just came back last night from my service" I bowed a little.

The other women started shooting questions at me

"What is war like?"

"Can you show us some defensive moves?"

"Where do you live?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Wow! easy with the question ladies. I am not going anywhere" I raised my hands and laughed, they all laughed at their silly moment.

"To answer your questions. War is dangerous. I will surely show you some defensive moves if you'd like. I live in the manor at the outskirts of this town on the east, and no I don't have a girlfriend"

"Ooh! so that was your manor" said Madison.

"Yes" I said.

"Anyways, girls. He was asking what this is all about, which I thought was weird since almost everybody in town knows but seeing as he came back yesterday, it's to be expected"

Madison started explaining to the girls who just nodded understanding.

"Sarah, I would show him around town" offered Madison with a smile.

Sarah stared at Madison for a while "Madison, your husband is a jeleous man, how aboit I show him around. I'm planning on divorcing mine so I don't mind being seen with another man" Offered Sarah this time.

I rose my eyebrows looking at the two women bickering with eachother.

Meanwhile, the rest of the girls giggled and pulled me away from their spot.

Once we were away from people, the women found a quiet place and started to flirt and flash me their bossoms, but I had a better idea.

"Ladies, how about I show you my place?" I asked with a wink. They giggled and followed me.

Once inside the mansion there ware no restraints or fear of being seen. I temoved their clothes which was a hussle, 'why do they wear those things?'

Once all of them were undressed I stood in front of them "Mind doing the honors little lambs" I smirked.

They all started to remove my clothes and once they took my underwear off, they widen their eyes.

"Oh my!"

"It's huge!"

" 0 "

"Now now, don't be shy"


2 hours later women laid on the floor moaning in pain and pleasure as they twitch and squirt from aftershocks of pleasure.

The three had bite marks in places where people won't see them like their nipples, their butts and their inner thighs. They all said their husbands won't even noticed since the men think women are only good for leaving an heir which they all had done already.

They didn't mind being blood banks for me once I asked them, they saw it as exhilarating, they had heard the stories about creatures like me but they never thought they would find one here and having a secret this dark and big sent a chill down their spines.

Having a vampire suck their blood and fluids, cheating on their husband was thrilling to them.


After taking showers "Say, girls" I wondered.

They all looked at me waiting for my question "Where can I find some maids or land caretakers?"

"I would offer myself to you but I have a house to take care as well" They all joked around.

"Hmm, I think I saw this girl looking for work in exchange for a place to stay" Said one of them.

"Oh yeah, her name was Alis-...Ale... oh my I think I forgot" she said fidgeting in front of me.

"I'm a bad girl, sir... maybe... if you punish me, I would remember" she said as she lay her stomach on my lap and raised her butt a little.

"Spank me daddy and maybe I'll remember" she purred.

I was surprised but gave her a grin and with wide palms.


"Aaahhhmm yes"



"I aagghh remember, I remember... y-you mmmh can stop now ooough" she said after her but was rosy red.

I laughed evilly and clicked my tongue




"The punishment isn't over until I hear the name" I caressed her but before slapping it.

"I-Im s-sorry, I-I lied. I don't know her n-name" she said exhausted "p-please"


"AAHHH god, yes" she scream as she came on my lap.

I set her on the bed and looked at the other two.

"Alice" said one of them all of sudden. "I remember bow. her name is Alice" she said gulping down glancing at the recently spanked woman sleeping on the bed.


They all left after having their spanked session though they were walking weakly and couldn't even sit without wincing in pain.

'Alice huh'

I guess, I would go and see the place Samara (random name) said she saw Alice.

After walking for a while a find myself in front of a girl trembling from the cold night, she had a sign in front of her "Any job for a place to stay"

She is a very beautiful girl, petite at 4'10" , small, pixie like features. She also has large eyes and long, delicate eyebrows. Her hair is cropped short, spiky, and inky black due to her state right now.

I crouched down and asked "Do you know how to clean a house?"

"Y-yess" she sttutered from the cold.

I patted her head "What's your name, little girl?"

Even though she was trembling she glared at me "I'm not a little girl, I'm already 15" she said proudly standing up and puffing out her small chest "and my name is Alice... I don't have a last name though"

"Hahahahaha, yes yes. Alice from now on, you will live with me and in exchange you'll have to take care of the house. I have food and a home you can sleep in so let's go"

"hn... thank you" she said as she rubbed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"N-nothing... I just... I've been here, I have b-been to other towns and they don't want to help a dirty girl like me until you *sniff* thank you sir *sniff* thank you" She jumped on me and hugged. "I promise I will never disappoint you so you never have to throw me away"

She gave me the most radiant smile I've ever seen and at that moment I knew I had done something good because I felt good inside, though I didn't let it show on my face.

'You are changing Santiago, you are changin' I patted myself on my shoulders.

"Well then... Let's go" I said as I crouched again my back facing Alice.

After a few seconds she understood and squealed as she jumped on my back. "Hyyaa yes, first piggy back ever hehehe"