
After Emily had explained everything to me, Emily had eaten her sweets and drank her tea, stood up and walked towards me.

I just looked at her to see what she was going to do but what she did surprised not even me but Alice who came rushing to us and wanted to stop Emily but it was too late.

Emily sat on my lap and kissed me passionately, I returned the kiss, grabbed her ass and started rubbing her crotch on mine, she moaned "Mmmmhh, you have to take responsability for what you did back there, sir" she purred.

Alice seeing this just pouted and sat on the couch as she started learning for when her time comes.

I started to unbottom her dress but she stopped me and pointed towards Alice " What about her?" she asked impatiently already.

I smirked "Alice here is a pervert, behind her innocent and petite look, she likes to see me fuck women till they pass out while she gets herself off, but if you ask her... she is learning" I laughed.

Emily hearing this rose an eyebrow "Other women?" she asked a bit annoyed.

Seeing her expression I ripped her dress off in one powerful move, of course I made sure to be careful not to hurt her.

She yelped and covered her tits.

"Mmm, not wearing any undergarments I see" I said kissing her bust making her moan.

"S-stop, she is watching" Emily gasped.

"Let her" I whispered in her ear as I started to kiss her neck making my way down and frowning seeing her hand covering my prize... or was it hers?

"I can't give you my payment for making my ring if you don't remove your hands" I groaned as I took both her hands and with one hand held them behind her.

Her tits bounced from the sudden movements, I looked at them and licked my lips in anticipation, her tits were just as dark as her beautiful skin, the flesh around her inverted nipple were pinkish.

I was going to start sucking them until those little nipple pop out when I heard a knock on my door.

Alice widens her eyes and jumped from the sudden sound. Emily looked nerveous and shakily stood up and wanted to put on her dress but I had ripped it off. She glared at me and picked up her dress and ran to the stars to hide.

Alice following her, peeking from the corner.

I went and opened the door and I was a little shocked to see Katherine here.

"Hello Miss... ?" I inquired, even though I know her name she doesn't know that I know it.

"Katherine, My name is Katherine, Mr...? " She said giving me a cordial bow as well as asking for my name.

"Santiago, You can call me Santiago, Miss Katherine" I said smkling warmly.

"What would a beautiful lady like yourself would want in my humble abode?" I asked respectfully seeing as she was trying to keep up her act.

"Well, it would be great if we spoke inside the house, now wouldn't it" she said in a sultry voice giving me a small wink.

I was about to let her in but I remember something Lily told me about inviging vampires 'I rather keep Alice Afe since she is the one who owns it even though she doesn't know it.

I smile and walked outside and closed the door behind me "Now it's not a good time" I said acting apologetically.

Katherine stare at me for a couple seconds before smiling "No problem" she said as she grabbed my arm "a walk around town, perhaps?" she asked with a sweet voice.

"Gladly" I said.

We walked together in silence for a few minute "Such a beautiful ring you have" she said as she inspected the black stone ring.

As soon as she touched, she jerked her hand back and groaned softly, feeling pain on her hand that touched the ring.

and then Katherin was no more

(A/n:Just kidding, just kidding. Although I did said his ring will burn the soul of whoever has ill intentions towards it doesn't have the power to completely incenerated in a second or less, in fact, Santiago will discover more of the rings features as he goes on. So the won't kill a person instantaneously but it will make them think twice before trying to touch it again, think of it as the scene where that follower of Thanos wanted to take away the time stone from Doctor Strange only to be zapped by it)


Katherine PoV

'There is something about that ring' she thought. It looks like a daylight ring but then why is it black and not blue.

She wanted to touch it and inspect it and it was a nice ring she would take for Emily to figure it out and kill Santiago but as soon as she touched it, she felt pain, as if her hand was being desintigrated, she rapidly jerked her hand from the ring.

Afraid if touching it again, Katherine just faked feeling fine but that zapped had taken a huge toll on her vampire self, she felt tired, like being desicated.

Soo , she started staggering and soon collapsed to the ground, unlike Emily, Santiago let her fall to the ground.

"I guess, that's what you get for being a naughty girl" said Santiago as he poked Katherine cheeks, the latter didn't respond to his poking because she had passed out.


Santiago PoV

'It seems it works, however if she kills me now, I won't come back as my ring does not have any souls in yet' I thought while I decided to take Katherine to the Salvatore manor.

I knocked on their door and a teen answered the door, he was slender and had thick eyebrowns, 'this must be stefan'

Stefan is an innocent looking kid, as soon as he saw Katherine he rushed to hold her but I knocked his hand away "Don't be stupid, you'll drop her if you hold her" I said to him

Stefan didn't take it lightly and he seemed to get ready for something, a fight? but... "Father!" he screamed.

"Just let me in already, she passed out while she was walkinh and I brought her here since I was told she has taken residency with you" I snorted.

Stefan seeing I didn't do anything bad to Katherine, invited me inside the house, I tookthe first step and my feet went in so I guess Stefan's name is in the property then.

I went inside and soon an average in height man with a beard came out with a pipe in his mouth, seeing Katherine in the state, he urged "What happened?"

Stefan explained to him what happen and Guissepe invited me for a glass of bourbon which I accepted.

He put the glass in front of me and stared at me as I drank my cup.

"*Sigh* nothing beats newly brewed bourbon, right?" I said even though I had no idea about beers or alcoholic beverages.

One thing is for sure though.

That drink was spiked with vervain but since I had developed a reisistance towards it, I didn't feel weakened, just bothered by it but I didn't let it show on my face.

Guissepe seeing nothing wrong released a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Santiago, was it?" started Guissepe, I nodded.

"I thank you for bringing Katherine here safely"

"Don't worry, I just wanted to help" I waved him off.

"Say, I know you moved in a year ago, the town is gathering to do something in a couple months, you should come and see what we do" He said puffing out smoke from his pipe.

"I'll think about it. I have my hands ful at the moment with Alice" I chuckled.

"Oh, that annoy-" he stopped noticing my calm yet angry expression daring him to finsih that sentence.

"Y-yes. Alice was it. I mean young girls are always sch a handful" he laughed akwardly.

"I think I better go" 'before I rip this guy in half besides, Katherine is waking up' I thought as I heard her moaning in pain.

Guissepe just nodded seeing as he had done something wrong and didn't think of apologizing, he just switched subject.

'No wonder Lily left him' I snorted.