Tsk Tsk Tsk You Shouldn't Have Done That

It's been a whole month since I went to speak with Katherine and since Penny's been here.

Katherine didn't take it well what I did and threatened me that I will pay for this.

Penny has been daring since day one but is inexperiemce in any sexual acts and just acts on instinct since she feels Emily will win me over and throw her out of the house which won't happen.

Tonight I have been a little restless, I feel unease and suddenly someone came knocking on my door.

I stood up quietly as to not wake up Emily and Alice who likes to sleep with me.

I went downstairs and opened the door.

"What's your proble-" I stopped seeing Guisseppe there with a watch on his hand.

The watch started clicking and the arrow started pointing everywhere before it pointed at me.

Guissepe took a step back and two other men quickly shot at me.



I staggered back 'What the fuck? wooden bullets?'

"Uurgh, what the fuck is the meaning of this old man, I'm gonna rip your ams off. You don't come to my house and shoot me"

"What was that?!" screamed Penny who came rushing down the stairs.

I widen my eyes when I saw the two men pointing their guns at her.

I sped up and ripped one of the men's head off but the other one had shot already before I could kill him.

I saw Penny fall to the floor, blood coming out from her stomach.

i saw more men coming towards my house and Guissepe retreated pointing at my house "Burn it!"

He yelled to the other men.

I had no time to deal with them. I went to Penny and saw her bleeding on the ground.

Emily came rushing downstairs but I yelled "Get ready to leave the house. People are gonna burn the house down!!"

She quickly went upstairs to retrieve her book while I fed my blood to Penny who had started choking on her blood.

After a few second her wound healed and she looked at me with surprised and fear seeing as there were veins and a murderous glint on my eyes.

"Right, I haven't told you have I?" I chuckled wryly "But there is no time right now. You need to leave with Emily, I will take care of this. Please just trust me okay?"

She nodded "Okay, but you have to explain later" she said as she kissed me on the lips and I tasted her delicious blood.

Emily came downstairs with a sleepy Alice on her sleep attire.

"Alice, I need you to follow Emily okay?"

I took out a small veil of my blood and fed it to Alice she drank it and made a sour expression.

"I know, but at least this way. I know you'll be okay... sort of"

I looked at Emily and she shook her head and I sighed "I should have known, you are very stubborn when you want to be" I laughed dryly but then I sped and kissed her and bit my lips while feeding her my blood.

"You can hate me but I'm not ready to let you go, not until you give me that sweet ass" I joked to lighten the sour mood.

Emily glared at me for a second before sighing and kissing me again.

"Becareful, please!" said Emily with tears threatening to fall.

I saw how Emily guided them out of the manor through the woods taking them to a safe location I have made in my time I was here.

Once they were out of harms way, I focused my strength on my legs and veins poped out as I pushed off the ground with force making a small crater.

I appeared outside passing through the fire in the entrance extingushing it due to the pressure I carried behind me as I ran outside.

Once outside, I lost no time and started slahing everyone heads off and ripping their hearts out.

About 50 men had gathered around my house in a moment and in a moment they were dead. Blood scattered everywhere, some men still alive but lay down limbsless and just screamed till death took their last breath.

I focused my eyes everywhere and didn't see Guissepe anywhere.

I closed my eyes and use a power I gained when I became a vampire but was never able to use it.

I opened them and a flashing glint appeared on them as I saw a fox and a few other animals running around the woods.

I had spread my senses beyond limit here.

I focused on all the animals and took over their senses, through them I could see, smell and hear various places at once. I saw how not just my house but the whole town was on fire, people running away, men dragging women and kids, saw how they brutally killed a lot of people but they weren't my concern right now, through the fox, I saw there was a man panting heavily behind a tree.

"Found you!"

In two second I was already in front of Guissepe.

I smiled wickedly at him, my eyes shining a cold blue under the night and the reflection of the moon.

"I wanted to kill you since Lily said you were an ass, and now you have given me the perfect excuse to do so, although I could have done so anytime I wanted but I was careless not to do it before. I thought I could live happily but then you came and ruined my peace" I said in calmed tone that he felt chill.

He collapse to the ground from fear "Lily?" he asked shocked and reached to his pocket, and threw at me a vail of vervain that burned my face but I didn't feel pain and just shook it off.

"Mmm now that wasn't nice you know... I was going to leave you with one arm, one leg, one eye, and one ear but your priviledge has been removed" I chuckled.

Guissepe shaking said "Don't kill me, demon! I-I will tell you who sent me to your house" he said quickly.

"Hooo, someone plotted against me then?"

"Alright, lets hear it" I crouched down and patted his shoulders dusting his dirt away.

"Now remember, if I don't like what I hear, you'll suffer" I threaten as I gripped his shoulder breaking it in the process.

"Aaarghhh!! O-okay okay! It-it was Katherine Pierce" he blarted out.

I rose an eyebrow as I stood up and kicked Guissepe on the chest caving in my foot in his chest.

He died instantly "I promised you wouldn't suffer"

"Now then, where is this pierce of shet" I mumbled as I focused on the animals again and I saw her.

She was caged, the two Salvatore kids laying on the ground, soon I saw a man approached the cage and opened it freeing Katherine.

I stopped and looked up at the sky, the moonlight reflecting on my face showing my face covered in blood.

Such a nice full moon.

I grinned as I speded away to her location.


56 souls collected in the ring so far