
3rd. PoV


That's all he saw when he passed out. He stood up and started walking around.

"Son?" asked a voice from behind him. It is the softess voice he ever heard, and he knew well whose voice that belonged to.

he went still when he heard it, then his body started shaking as he turned around.

When he saw the person behind him, Santiago shakily walked towards the person.

"Mother?... Is t-that really you?" his voice breaking.

The woman smile brightly and hugged her son tightly.

Santiago didn't want to hug her because he has it in his head that she hates him after what he failed to do.

"Big brother?"

If the voice before made him sad, this new voice completely devastated him.

The childish yet energetic voice that he used to hear and loves when he was a kid.

A five year old girl stood there, smiling with her missing tooth.

When she saw him, she jumped on him "BROTHER!!"

When she did she started crying "I'm sorry b-big b-brother, p-please forgive Margareth, please brother. Margareth wasn't a good girl and made brother worried *sniff*"

Santiago just stood there, his eyes watering before he realized it he was hugging the little girl tightly, never to let go.

"It's okay, Margareth. I'm sorry for not keeping you safe like brother promised" he cried on the little girl

The mother just covered her mouth and cried along with them.

"M-mom" started Santiago.

He knelt in front of her "I'm sorry" he started with his head down, the little girl hugging him from the side crying and apologizing.

"I failed you, mom!" tears ran down his face "I let little Margareth die and I couldn't do anything to stop it"

The mom started crying audiably and hugged her son tightly "It's okay, son!" she rubbed his hair.

"I know you did everything you could" she conforted her son.

Santiago hugged his mom back and his little sister, he kept apologizing.

After a few minutes Santiago sat down with his mom leaning on his shoulder and little Margareth on his lap.

"Have you been here ever since then, mom?" asked Santiago.

The mother smiled tenderly at him and shook her head "No, I've always looked over you son" she paused "I know what you do to thise girls" she teased him.

"Ha ha mom, you shouldn't watch your son do it with his girls" he laughed awkardly.

"Girls, huh?" she hummed "I know you have a thing for mature women like me" she gave him a lite smirk.

"Lily? oh well, she is definetly my type as is the other girls" he said.

"I also see that girl Penny looks somewhat like me, blonde and beautiful" she poked his cheeks.

Santiago smile at her and kissed her cheeks softly making her blush "I guess, I'm still a mommy's boy, huh. Besides you are not that old, in fact, I would be hitting on you if you weren't my mom" he teased her, her cheeks with a tint of red.

"Hehe mama keeps watching you all the time and keeps saying you are much better then papa" giggles Margareth.

"MARGARETH!" repreminded the mom.

Margareth just giggled hugging his brother tightly.

"Please take care of them, son" said the mom after scolding her daughter.

"I will mom!" He smiled.

"Also I want kids" Said the mom, whose name is Grace.

"Yeah, I want to see you have kids, big brother!" said Margareth.

After speaking with them for some time, the mood had lighten up and Santiago started to disappeared.

"You don't have much longer" said Grace as she enjoy her son embrace.

"Will you come and see us again big bro?" Asked Margareth with stars in her eyes.

"Yeah" he said with a distant look "Mom, little bug" he started ruffling Margareth hair, much to her content "I promise, I will get you out of here" He said with a confident look.

"I love you!" Said Grace as she kissed her son on the cheek and whipered "still, this penny girl has smaller breast then mommy"

Santiago laughed and Margareth tilted her head "Hey, little bug. Big bro is leaving but I promise on my life I will bring you both back with me some day" He hugged Margareth.

"Also, Mom. Even though I'm a vampire I know there is gotta be some fertility spell out there, I don't believe a vampire can not reproduce if their hearts beat. After all, it pumps blood to my little wewe" He said trying not to sound so brute.

"Little wewe? Son, you are packing a huge cock, much bigger then your asshole of father ever was and I'm proud my boy turned out to be an amazing breed. I guess you enherited my well endowement gifts" She pumped her butt on his knee shaking it a little.

"That you did, mom" he chuckled.

"Bye, son!" she said waving at him

"Bye, big bro!" yelled Margareth also waving her small hands.

"See you later" He bowed a little and Margareth giggled.


When I woke up, Emily looked over me with concerned, I looked around and saw Alice, Penny and the other three women. They all had worried faces.

"Good morning!" I joked

They all jumped on me and hugged me tightly.

"MASTER!! WUAAAAHH.... I thought *sniff* I thought you were gonna leave m- us" cried Alice.

"If you died then I would have brought you back just to kill you myself" Humped Penny smiling.

"I'm glad you are back, master" Said Emily kissing my lips.

"We thought we almost lost you, stud" the three women said purring rubbing their bodies on him.

"Stud?" I laughed.

"Yes, you are like those horses, hung like one and sexually active" they all laughed.

After the warm welcome I stood up and Emily asked "Where are you going? I need to tell you some things"

"Oh, Alright!" I sat down again.

"First of all" she knelt in fron of me and hugged my stomach "I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner about the werewolves" she apologized.

"Hey, it's okay! I wouldn't die anyways, thanks to you!" I kissed her delicious lips and held her head tight looking at her.

"Thank you" she smiled warmly kissing me back and started explaining the werewolves to me.

No wonder that wolf I took over was fighting me off, it was a werewolf after all. Their bites kill you in minutes and there is no cure for it but I managed which comes to the second thing.

"The second thing is that when you drank from my body" she shivered still feeling the pleasure "Y-you gained an ability that is known to us witches as Siphoners but you can't still use magic. Instead it seems the more you absorb the more powerful you'll become and the more powerfull you'll become the more chances of developing new powers unique to you" she paused "I've never seen this happened before until now and I can't be any more proud of it to be the man that'll be my master in work and in bed" she prided herself.

"Well, does that mean I get that sweet butt hole of yours?" I smirked

"You may use them as you p-please" she stuttered.

I went wide eye "Wow, this is an epic moment that needs to memorilized but we won't, not until this 'stud' taps that" I winked.

She lowered her head in embarrasement, images making its way in her mind as she is tied up and hanging on the air as Santiago whips her ass gently.

She shook her head, removing those thoughts away "I can smell your arousal" I teased.

"Alright, now that we've covered everyhting and I am up to date... I need to go and deal with a certain female vampire" I stood up and walked by Penny and slapped her ass making her yelp.

Alice waiting on the door with her butt out waiting for her slap but she only got a rub on the head.

"Hhmmph" she pouted

"I think we should go as well" said the three women looking down.

"What are you talking about?" I turned to them.

"Well, we don't have a home anymore and no husbands so maybe we should go back to our parents" they said with a sad expression.

I smiled widely "You can always stay with us. Even though you rejected me because of your duties, I think I can still keep you three around. Of course there will be punishment for rejecting me, so better look forward to that"

The three women fidgeted in front of him and muster to say "Thank you" shyly.

After I left, the girls stayed back and chatted while I went back to the manor as I rubbed my hands imagining Katherine's pain.

'Hehehe boii'