A Willing Prisoner **


Unknown Place----


"Hold on sister, we are almost there" said Tristan as he looked at a castle in the distance.

It would be an understatement to say he wasn't fast, he reached 150 miles in 15 minutes, once he arrives at the castle, people or vampires guarding it make way for their sire.

"What happened?" a blonde man came rushing.

"Julian, go get Malcolm!" yells Tristan.

Julian seeing the dire situation hurries off and comes back with a young man named Malcolm, Malcolm had blue eyes and short, dark brown hair. He had a tall stature and a slim build. whilst Julian is dirty blond-haired, blue eyed man with a signature wicked grin who appeared to be in his mid-to-late 30s.

'I know this is strange but on the way here I kept on wondering, after seeing that guy absorbed ebergy' Tristan stops there and clenches his fists in anger but sighes and continues " Malcolm, could you absorb the power of this bite?" asked Tristan hopefully.

Malcolm seeing Aurora's arm trying to reattach itself but fails, he sees bite mark on the wound and puts his hand on top of the wound. Malcolm nods his head as he looks at Tristan "Hold her" he said.

Tristan and Julian came both and held her in place while Malcolm starts to siphon the power out.

After half an hour, Malcolm is exhausted as he sits on the ground but he succeded in siphoning the bite out.

Tristan seeing his sister's arm mending, sighed in relief. He directs his gaze to Malcolm and stretches his hands towards him "Malcolm, this debt, I will never forget"

Malcolm nodded and took his hand standing up, Julian seeing this had a stupid grin on his face. He found these ancient vampires recruiting but Julian knee he was just a vampire amongst most but with Malcolm on his side, he knew he had a shot.

"All I ask is you let 'us' stay in your coven" Says Malcolm emphasizing "Us".

Tristan smiled 'why wouldn't he?' he thought, Malcolm was an important asset now that he has shown what he can do "Done" he said.

Tristan was happy and reliefed but still hatred in his heart, he was thankfull that these two vampires stumble upon the coven and wanted to be part of.

Seeing Aurora stir, Tristan turned his attention to his sister "Aurora, how do you feel?" he asked

She groaned "I feel like a chewy piece of meat, all chewed up" she said.

Tristan smiled at his sister and Julian asked "What happened... if you don't mind me asking?" Julian added in the end.

Tristan was displeased by this question as it brings back his humiliation back, but seeing as Malcolm was here, he smiled and answered "We were defeated by another enemy, the three female vampires you mentioned Julian, weren't there yet, but this other enemy was, so I didn't bring your Lily because my sister's life is more important than your love affairs" Said Tristan with some resentment. Tristan had agreed to recruit the three female vampires because at least two of them were like Malcolm and to Tristan, the more the better.

"I-it's alright, you don't have to worry about it" said Julian a little afraid and just nodded afterwards.

"No, I don't" said Tristan with squinting eyes.

"Brother?" called out Aurora.

Tristan turned to her with concern "Is everything okay, sister?" he asked.

Aurora nodded and gave Tristan a hopeful look "I'm sorry" she said before she disappeared from the room.

"Wait!" Yelled Tristan but his sister was gone, he sighed and sat down on his chair.

"Shouldn't we go after her?" asked Malcolm

"No" Tristan paused and looked up " She needs time and she is just as powerful as I am so I wouldn't worry about her, besides we have a link together, if something happens to her that she didn't want to happen, I'll know"

The other two just nodded and left the room.

Tristan just sat there looking at the distant.


Outside the room---

'Damn it!!' screamed Julian in his mind.

He was hoping to have Lily here, after all, he still has feelings for her but wanted to try and kidnap her but it didn't happen and it infuriated him.

He took a deep breath and sighed in defeat.

"Let's go eat" offered Malcolm on the side, Julian had told Malcolm that these people will help them get his 'sisters' and be a happy family along with Lily but now he is gonna have to wait , he thinks.


Aurora ran as fast as she could, twenty minutes later she arrived at her destination.

Her destination?

To stalk Santiago, she sees Santiago through the window of the only place still standing in all this destruction. She sees as another woman bounces up and down limply on his huge member.

Aurora seeing this feels hatred and jeleousy for the woman.

Santiago is the closest thing to Klaus, and Aurora feels like being with Santiago would be much better than being with Klaus, she assumed this as she looks at his member that seems to be way bigger then Klaus, as well as the way Santiago traces his fingers on the woman's body making her feel loved and protected. Aurora wanted that, even though Santiago almost killed her, she didn't care now, now she wants to be with Santiago but how? she didn't know, so she just stalked him from a distance.


"OooOoh yessss, Santi, fuck me fuckme hard yesss" sang Emily as she held on for dear life on Santiago's assault, her battered pussy could only take so much but the pain was making her feel pleasure as Santiago rams his cock into the deepest part of her womb.

She collapsed on top of him as he keeps going, only stopping after half an hour later when he realizes, Emily was long passed out, but still moaning and whimpering.


It's been a month since Lily came to the port and ever since then she has beend stuck to my hip and hugs my arm all the time, and when we sleep, she sleeps hugging my knee resting her face near my crotch.

When Lily first came, she was so happy that she swore that nothing would separate her from me, she found out I had other women but she didn't look angry, instead she looked like she wasn't going to give up and so it's been a month since then.


Tristan Castle---

"Sir, it's been a month since your sister left" said a woman dressed in a business suit.

"I know" simply said Tristan. He knew she wasn't dead or in any danger since their link will let him know if his sister is in danger 'I hope she is okay!' hoped Tristan.

"Have men on the look out, if they see her let me know" said Tristan dissmising his secretary who bowed before leaving.


Mc PoV

I woke up next day and went downstairs, once he entered the dungeon, loud moans could be heard as the name Santiago is being called over and over and over.

I glanced at the naked Katherine who waits patiently on the ground with her legs spread, pleading for her master's cock.

I then glanced to the side, on a table and see a red haired petite vampire spread on the table as a wooden cock goes in and out of her pussy, loud moans with my name being sang came from her luscious lips.

"How are you doing, sweetie?" I asked pushing the strands of hair behind her ear.

"S-santiago?... P-please I want you" she said breathelessly barely concious.

I laughed and softly slaps her perky tits "Not yet, darling. Not yet" Aurora moaned feeling pleasure.

Shortly after Lily had arrived she was captured by Santiago and she couldn't do anything, not that she wanted anyways, but after a month of being in constant organsms, she couldn't stop dreaming of Santiago member ever since she saw him fucking Emily.


Aurora wasn't in danger... she was in pleasure, that's why Tristan link didn't activate because all along Aurora wanted to be caught.