New Prospects

[SubSpace Edit]

- Current Rank: F

- Current Level: 1

- Total Amount Of Slots: 10

{Current (G) Karma Points In Possession: 10}


From the looks of things here, I could choose to edit some features of my Gift. Strangely, I'd never seen anything like this during my time in the Sacred Hall.

Should I change the Rank or the level?

The Rank would alter the overall nature of the skill, but even if I raised my Gift to higher levels, if it remained in the same Rank, then it'll most likely just increase the number of slots.

This was a very critical decision. The cost of editing was (G) Karma points, but it didn't exactly state how much would be removed upon each edit. Even though I had leveled up 9 times, these points had not increased even once. With only 10 (G) Karma points… I better spend them wisely.

Before I had the chance to change my mind, I quickly tapped on . A beeping sound occurred, and the blue window glimmered in response to my choice.

[System Update]

{Rank Has Increased From F – E}

{Previous abilities have been upgraded}

{Additional Slots have been added}

{Additional Ability has been added}

<5 (G) Karma Points Remain>

"W-Whoah… It really ranked up!" I exclaimed.

Just by looking at these updates, it was evident that a lot of Subspace capabilities had been raised. If that's the case…

"This is exciting" I squealed.

I wonder what new ability has been added to my Gift.

I returned to the previous window so that it would display my Subspace information and excitedly glanced through the contents.


Rank: E

Level: 1

Ability: Stores Physical matter within a personal pocket dimension (Rank F – E)

Total Amount Of Slots: 50

Additional Ability: Items Stored Within Subspace remain in suspended states (Rank E)

{Additional Information}

A Gift that stores any physical matter in compact slots located in a distinct pocket universe. The matter stored within this space can be retracted by choice. The size and additional capabilities increase upon growth.


Amazing! My storage capacity has increased drastically.

Not only that but this new Ability… Suspension? Does that mean anything I place within [Subspace] will remain in its state before entering it?

Usually, time passes within [Subspace] very slowly. I experimented on the logic of no time existing within it because I had read it somewhere in a novel before.

I was disappointed upon discovering that didn't apply to my Gift.

I boiled water with the remaining Gas left in the house and placed its contents in two cups. I left one with me while placing the other hot cup of water inside [Subspace].

After a few minutes of waiting, I noticed the one with me had become warm. Quickly, I brought out the other.

"It's… Still hot..?" I noticed.

While it wasn't as hot as it was when I placed it in, the water within was still hotter than the one outside.

I returned the cup to [Subspace] and waited for intervals of five minutes to see how long it would take before the water became as warm as the first.

It took 30 minutes!

The first cup of water lasted 3 minutes before turning warm.

With this result, I concluded that time within [Subspace] flowed ten times slower than in the normal world.

Of course, I tested this theory with other objects, like the clocks I possessed.

The results ended up being the same.

It was good news at the time since I needed ways to make my food last. While the result wasn't the perfect conclusion, it was still useful.

But now…

If I could maintain objects within Subspace at their usual form forever… That would eliminate one worry from my thoughts.

"I have to test this out immediately!" My thoughts rang.

I took some vegetables which were still laid out on the ground, beside me.

I split a stalk into two, putting one in one of the new empty slots I have now while leaving one beside me.

"Vegetables begin to wilt if not properly preserved after a while. It would take a few hours for the signs to start showing."

Since previously, [Subspace] had a time ratio of 1:10, it would take at least a day for the vegetable within to show signs.

However, If I was right, even after a couple of days… The vegetable would remain in its current state.

"I can't wait," I said to myself.

Despite thinking that, I still had to put that at the back of my mind since I could always check the results later.

"Right now, I still needed to see if it was possible to edit a few more things" I muttered.

Returning my attention to the blue window in front of me, I once again selected .

[SubSpace Edit]

- Current Rank: E

- Current Level: 1

- Total Amount Of Slots: 50

{Current (G) Karma Points In Possession: 5}


Somehow, when I looked through this, I couldn't help but think… If (G) Karma Points were used for Gifts… What would I use the normal Karma Points for?

My eyes widened upon the thought.

"They're most likely for [Stats]!"

Once I was done with my Gifts… Editing my [Stats] would come next.


[System Error]

{(G) Karma Points Required For Rank Up Are 100}

"What the fuck!" I yelled in frustration.

Then I quickly went to increase the level of my Rank E Gift.


[System Error]

{(G) Karma Points Required For Level Up Are 10}

"N-No way… This is too…" I mumbled in despair.

This was too ridiculous… The amount of (G) Karma Points I needed were way too high!

In the first place, my (G) Karma points didn't increase when I leveled up, and there was hardly any information on it, even with my memories from the Sacred Hall!

"How the hell am I supposed to get more!"

This was frustrating… I wasn't feeling good anymore!

Just when I thought I would seriously power up during my time here… this was what I got instead.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! I hate this! Why isn't this thing working?!" I grumbled, angry at the system and my terrible luck.

Deep down, I knew that I shouldn't be upset or blame anything. But… Old habits die hard.

The Blame game had always been my go-to place.

"Shit…" I finally mumbled before keeping quiet.

Alone in the cozy apartment, I couldn't help but laugh at myself.

"It looks like leveling up nine times can't change me at all… I'm still the same pathetic bastard, uh?" I chuckled sadly, muttering to myself.

I hadn't changed at all!