
"W-wow, that's quite a lot…"

This was the first thing I said when I saw the number of weapons Paul had smithed with his Gift.

They must number in the hundreds, at the very least.

"Hahaha" He laughed awkwardly.

According to him, he thought he'd be able to challenge the Demons and prepare for anything once he'd made enough.

However, even after making this many through a process of trial and error, he remained fearful of the outside world.

"Let us begin, then," I said.

Obviously, my seventy-plus Demon Cores wouldn't be enough to smith the hundreds of weapons that lay before us.

But, that wasn't the goal, to begin with.

"If we can experiment with a few, there are some things I would like to try" Paul beckoned to me.

Since he was more of an expert in this field, I'd leave it up to him.

I was also very curious as to the possibilities awaiting us.

[Hours Later]


Another negative buzzing sound echoed in a low tone.

[System Alert]


Paul and I exchanged knowing glances. We expected this outcome, after all.

"That's the 9th Demon Core wasted."

After several hours of smithing and integrating Demon Cores, we discovered a few things.

Firstly, it was possible to merge a single Demon Core with a weapon or tool, and once merging was completed, the basic functions of the tool increased. Its sharpness, strength, durability, etc.

Another major discovery, one which cost us quite a few Demon Cores, was the realization that adding more than a single Demon Core on a regular kind of object would prove defective.

The object would break after giving out a buzzing sound, and a system alert would pop up, indicating failure.

To combat this, we began to merge various materials, increasing the density and properties in order to accommodate more power from the Demon Cores.

First of all, we analyzed the quality of the object which could handle a Demon Core. After this, we decided to use this as a basis to discover the method for achieving double the dosage.

It took a while to discover the appropriate amount of weapon density needed to accommodate two Demon Cores. At which point, 6 Demon Cores had been wasted.

If an object could handle a Demon Core's energy, It took approximately three objects of similar mass to be able to handle two Demon Cores.

Once we realized this, we experimented on three cores. Of course, it would take nine objects of similar mass and quality.

"So it's always multiplied by three… At this rate, we won't have enough weapons to go around" I smiled.

We had successfully made ten weapons with one Demon Core each, and three with two Demon cores. That made a total of 16 successfully expended. Adding it with the 9 which had been wasted, that made a total of 25 Demon Cores used.

I had about 50 more, but I wasn't willing to part with more than 40.

"I need to have some left… Just in case" I said to myself.

Paul looked at me expectantly, waiting for my comment on the next course of action.

"One final time… let's give it a try. Increase the dosage by one gram." I instructed.

He did exactly as I said, and the smithing process began once again.


A low buzz, coupled with hums reverberated across the small room. The glow of red lights coupled with little sparks also radiated from the objects beneath us as Paul worked his magic.

[System Alert]


"Yesss!" Paul and I hissed in excitement.

We finally did it! Our very first Level 3 'Enhanced' item.

One of the things we discovered when combining the cores with the weapons Paul forged, was the 'Enhanced' effect.

Every enhanced weapon had stats, similar to Gifted and Demons.

"It's most likely a result of adding Demon quality to it" I had explained to Paul, who was also confused when he discovered it.

Focusing my eyes on the glowing sword which had formed on the ground, a green window appeared in front of it, displaying its information.

Golden Windows displayed a Gifted's information. A.K.A Stats, Skills, and other Personal Information.

Red Windows belonged to Demons.

Blue windows were most likely exclusive to Gifts since my [Subspace] had this color, and the same went for Paul's.

"Yeah", I answered him.

And now, the recently discovered 'Green' Window was used to indicate the information of 'Enhanced' tools.

[System Information]

Name: Enhanced Sword

Rank: F

Level: 5

Strength: 100

Durability: 1,000

Core Power: 300

Core Energy: 100%


These all looked like ridiculous numbers to Paul, but I knew otherwise.

"As expected of an F Rank weapon" I stated silently.

It would suffice for now, but I was sure this sword would become obsolete after leaving this house.

But then again, this was as much as I could get from weak demon cores.

"You did great Paul! This is excellent!" I feigned excitement.

But, I was spot on, in a sense. Since compared to the stats of the other 'Enhanced' weapons, this was actually pretty high-end.

"Let's try wielding it," I said, picking the weapon on the floor.

"It's heavy!" My thoughts rang.

I suppose it was only reasonable since we added a lot of materials to create this single tool.

It was indeed heavy, but not unbearably so. With my current strength stats, I could handle this much.

Since the weapon's strength stats were half mine, it would come in very handy.

But, I still wasn't satisfied.

"I want more!" I mumbled.

"What was that?" Paul asked, turning to me as he noticed me mention something.

This might sound crazy and downright risky… But I felt like taking the chance. If it worked then maybe…

"Paul, I want to try making a weapon with 5 Demon Cores!" I declared to him.

His face expressed shock upon hearing this, making me uncomfortable.

He was the one going through most of the stress, and I was quite sure he was exhausted from all the work we'd been doing. Plus, the chances of success were very slim, so I was sure he would accept my preposition, but-

"Y-Yeah! Let's do it!" Paul responded, interrupting my thoughts.


What was he saying? Did he actually want to keep going?

Looking at his face, I could tell that he was very serious about this.

Even with two additional 'Lesser Grade' Demon Cores, I knew the power of the weapon wouldn't increase explosively. But, at least the change would be very noticeable.

"It has to succeed… It has to!" I said, my eyes fixated on the sword.

Quickly calculating how much it would take to achieve this, my mind went into overdrive.

A single item could be merged with one Demon core.

Adding three made it qualify for two Cores.

Nine more allowed it to advance to three Cores.

That meant…

We needed 27 more for it to advance to four Cores, and 81 more to advance to five.

That made a total of 108 more weapons to be expended on this sword.

"Nothing ventured… nothing gained!"

Total Weapons Left: 504

Total Demon Cores Left: 50 (-3) = 47