Perfect Execution

Dark hooded cloak, check!

Cool gloves and boots, double-check!

Nice sword to go along with it, triple-check!

'And finally, the fox mask I bought online after watching one of my favorite anime, quadruple check!'

Excitement welled up within me as I stood, facing the troublemaking Ogre before me. Having an air of coolness around me, along with the mysterious identity I gave myself, how could I not feel amused?

'Psych, I've always wanted to do this at least once!'

I had to give it to God. This world was making me live out a lot of my fantasies, and I was definitely going to indulge in more.

Drawing my Core-5 blade from [Subspace], making it have an effect of summoning, I pointed it at the Demon with a smile hidden underneath the white mask I had on.