
"… Do you understand now, Lily? We have to remain as a group. It's the best way safety will be guaranteed!" The leader, also known as Ana, spoke in a low tone, trying to convince the younger girl.

Lily, as she was called, appeared hesitant and somewhat distraught to hear this. She weakly attempted to protest against it but seemed to realize that doing so would only insinuate her selfishness.

"Besides, I'll soon be leaving to look for supplies… you can't stay alone, Lily. There's no way I would be at ease if I left you by yourself." Ana added.

Upon hearing those words, Lily said no more. Doing so would not only be insensitive to Ana's good intentions of protecting her but would also mean that she was needlessly acting stubbornly by throwing the team in jeopardy, all because of her phobia of men or preference for privacy.

"I… I understand…" She muttered in defeat.