
"Tch. You…"

Melissa was nearly speechless after our brief exchange. Apparently, her trump card, Daniel's existence, did her no good.

'As expected. She hasn't changed, still leeching off the authority of others…' I thought to myself.

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little frightened of Daniel, or his existence within the Camp. I certainly hadn't expected to meet the two worst people I knew in my life in the same place.

'Does this mean… even more of my classmates are here?' My mind rang.

If that were the case, then that would be bad. I don't think I would be able to control myself with so many targets for revenge in my line of sight.

Merely seeing this bitch was enough to send thoughts into my head. I didn't want more distracting flies buzzing around me.

"Why are you here?" I asked, glaring at her.

The sooner she left, the better. If possible, I would prefer she left before Ana's group returned.