Strategic Meeting (Pt 2)

"Now, let's move to the second issue at hand… our current project!"

At this point, the executives within the Camp were more concerned. Since they were the ones in charge of the internal activities, it was their forte.

"From the reports I've gotten, in addition to my calculations, all preparations will be made in two weeks. The bore-hole project, soil gathering, manure processing, and the planting activities should all be made by then." Charles continued.

Once the borehole has been dug, the first couple of gallons of water were going to be dirty and unpurified. These would be taken, stored, and used for watering the grounds frequently.

While expecting harvest, with the speed-up effect of their key Gifted, the produce would only be ready after a week.

"We're going with corn first since it takes only a few months to grow in normal conditions. With our Gifted's help, it will be the fastest to grow among others." Charles added.