
"Jeremy, what exactly did you do to them?"

Charles' voice trembled with seething rage, and his expression wasn't the best either. His question made me startled for a second.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't take me for an idiot!" The annoyed Camp Leader banged his hands on his desk, rising to his feet.

I shot him a glare, not appreciating the attitude he was displaying. He was a little shaken by it, but his fear was diminished by the anger swirling within him.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice? My Gift allows me to see the Status Information of everyone, or did you forget?" He burst out, still raising his voice in anger.

"What's your point?" I asked flatly.

"You did something to them, didn't you? The Camp Members. All their Intelligence Stats were less than usual. Stats don't just vanish into thin air, so it had to be caused by something… or someone." His eyes narrowed as he eyed me with disgust.