The Subjugation Commences (Pt 1)

The next morning, everyone was forced to wake up early. I got up without much issue since I needed less sleep in my condition. Hearing groans and moans from those who slept around me, made me sigh in disgust.

Leaving the tent first, I went to the gathering that was slowly forming as a result of Daniel's call.

Not long after, the members began assembling, and in a few minutes, we were all present.

"We begin our subjugation today! I know last night was unexpected, but I hope we all had enough sleep. If we didn't, it's time to shake off any semblance of drowsiness or hesitation! We'll be undertaking the real deal!" Daniel declared.

Tasha was beside him as his assistant, looking stoic. It reminded me of how she used to act beside Charles back at the Camp.

"We'll have breakfast, freshen up, and prepare for the first phase of the plan."