One Versus Thousands (Pt 1)


A variant of the popular fantasy monsters known as Goblins. While they were more powerful than the base fodder, the Hobs shared a similar trait with their weaker counterparts; Intelligence, or rather, the lack of it.

Hobgoblins, like Goblins, are not intelligent. They are savage beings who crave destruction and hunt their prey to survive. At least, that was what I thought until I began noticing some differences in the Horde we were sent to subjugate.

Their attacks and patterns so far were not ordinary. They displayed acts of intelligence, and their coordination was on par with the average Gifted.

After seeing this, two theories popped up in my head. One was that these Hobs were more intelligent than the other members of their race. However, using the system to view their stats, their intelligence wasn't noteworthy.

Which left the second theory as the only viable conclusion.