Kill Or Be Killed (Pt 1)


I jumped toward the fence, making it to the top in one try, as expected.

Looking at the compound, a wave of nostalgia washed over me, reminding me of the first time I saw the interior.

The Demons weren't as plentiful as the last time I came here, since they numbered only a few thousand. Most likely five thousand or less.

However, just as expected, they consisted of the troublesome Hobgoblin Archers for long-range and Hobgoblin Tankers for melee.

Fortunately, the Archers had expended their arrows on their first strike towards the gate and were now in the process of reloading their bows.

Calculating the time it would take for them to be finished based on the earlier fight I had, I deduced it to be a little less than a second.

That was enough time.

Nearly all my combat skills became activated as I dashed from the fence and lunged myself at the expectant crowd.