A Young Man's Epitaph

[Moments Earlier]

"Shit! They're catching up to us!" One of the fleeing deserters cried, looking behind impatiently to see the injured Hobs approaching.

"How do we open this? The gate is too heavy!" Another bellowed.

"Does anyone here have a strength Gift?"

"Are you retarded? If I did, I would have fought back those Hobs!"

"Shit! We're screwed. Are we really going to die here?"

As they grasped their head in a panic, one of the running Gifted approached the panicking group, already out of breath.

"W-what's… going… on? Why haven't you guys opened the gate yet?!" He huffed, panting profusely.

One of the desperate people was kind enough to explain the situation to the newcomer, perhaps hoping that he could proffer a solution to their problem before the incoming Demons reached them.

"H-hold on… what did you say the gate is made of?" The panting man asked.

"Uh? I think it's wood. Yeah… It's wood!"