The One Called Jeremy Lewis

It took some time, but I was able to free up as many as 15 Slots. I didn't even need to dispose of any Camp supplies and my poop Slot was still intact. It really went to show how inefficient I had been in maintaining [Subspace] these days, which was most likely because of how much space I thought I had.

It seemed like so much space back then, but now it wasn't nearly enough. Ironic as it may seem, this was how the world truly was. I had grown plenty strong, yet it wasn't enough. Back at the apartment, I was satisfied with achieving Level 100. Now, I was at Level 170, yet the urge to get stronger had not vanished.

"Just as everyone's desire to obtain things is endless… so is my desire to possess things," I mumbled to myself with an amused smile.

After all… I desired to possess everything. A grand dream that was worth pursuing!