Selecting A Secondary Job

"Hold on… this makes no sense…" Words spilled out of my mouth as I remembered something very important.

The notion that human life wasn't cheap rang true in my mind. However, not every life was equal. Even in modern society, humans weren't equal.

Being weighed by the scales of society, certain humans would always gain the upper hand and be regarded as superior. That simple concept hadn't changed yet.

The only difference now was that they were now using the method of allocating worth. And the System does this using EXP and Levels.

'The higher a person's level is, the more they are worth…' I reasoned.

Evil Aligned Gifted were most familiar with this since there was a vast difference in EXP when they killed two Gifted with different Levels. In a way, it was no different from measuring the worth of Demons.

My point? If this applied to EXP, then surely the same method had to apply to my (G) Karma Points.