The Trickster

Okay, now this was just ridiculous!

How was this anything befitting a 'Thief'? The Skills I got resembled something a Mage or Wizard would have. How could I, as a Thief be getting magic-related Skills?

Still, I couldn't complain since their effects were pretty decent. Not only did I receive an MP boost, but I also had random effects that were bound to help me once I got into a pinch. The only problem was the unpredictability of the situation.

I didn't like the fact that I was going to be kept in the dark about things. In any case, I would need to thoroughly research all of the abilities, skills and other things that I'd just gotten.

The new abilities of [Subspace].

My new Skills, that I got from both the Demon Cores and my new Secondary Job.

There was so much to do, and so little time.

I saw that my Job had also Leveled Up, so that meant I now had an additional skill that I wasn't aware of.