
"That's the least of your problems, buddy." My voice leaked out in amusement.

I was fond of talking to myself so this wasn't strange. However, out of habit, I had spoken and forgotten that there was a person beside me.

"Hahaha…" Lara chuckled slightly, responding to my words.

I was a little, no, very surprised by this reaction. Even though she had done quite a lot to make me consider her strange, who would laugh at an awful statement while another man writhed in agony— close to death.

Apparently, Lara would.

"Arghhh! Please save me! Please! I'll do anything! Please!!!"

His screams irritated my ears and dragged me from my deep thoughts and back to the reality of his bloodied flesh.

The Hobgoblin took its time to approach Larry's legless body, appearing to grin in excitement. From the creature's expression, it was enjoying this quite well.