Playing Dirty (Pt 1)

The Hobgoblin Boss roared!

The moment it did so, I couldn't describe it, but, an air of unease… no, pressure, filled the area.

I could suddenly feel multiple eyes on me and bloodlust oozing around. The sudden shift was too much for me and I suddenly began to panic again. Taking my eyes off the Boss Monster for a moment, I took a good look around me and confirmed it.

"They are all looking at me… with focused, eager looks. They can see me?!" A whisper unconsciously leaked out.

I wasn't wrong!

The Hobgoblins could see me! Their focus was locked on my exact location, I could tell that much!

How? Even with their Stats, I was superior, so there was no way they could bypass the System's rules. Unless…

I gritted my teeth and glared at the grinning Hobgoblin who sat on his throne. What a smug look the monster had.

'It did something to them… some kind of variant for , maybe? It had to be that roar from earlier!'