A 'Nice' Development

 "O-oh, wow. I'm not sure if we could receive that. I mean, we wouldn't even have gotten that without your help and—"

Daniel, the leader of the Subjugation Squad was fidgeting as I offered to give them their share of the Demon Cores. As expected, the guy wasn't the type to receive gifts when he felt he didn't deserve them.


A female voice interrupted Daniel's nice-guy move. As expected, it was none other than Melissa.

"We can't refuse the Masked Hero if he's offering them to us, can we, Daniel?" She voiced out.

Her tone was suppressive, and even though she tried to sound nice, her selfishness couldn't be hidden from me.

"But, we don't even deserve—"

"That's enough, Daniel. I agree with Melissa." Tasha interrupted, drawing closer to me in Daniel's stead.