Malevolence (Pt 2)

'What are my true intentions for her, uh?'

To be honest, I wasn't even sure myself. I really did not need a sidekick or partner in my journey. There was the option of using her as a 'Meat Shield' in the case of danger, but I cared too much for her to consider doing that… at least not at first glance.

Besides, my attachment to this woman kept growing day by day.

With Anabelle's death, my need for the emotional intimacy she readily supplied me with began increasing. Perhaps I hoped to replace Ana with Lara?

No, that wasn't possible. Lara could never be as pure as Ana. Still, I liked both of them in different ways. Ana's naivety and kindness, Lara's compatibility with me and her company.

I was a bit conflicted now…

"You're overthinking things, Lara. I just enjoy your company. As for the Camp, I have plans for it, but it's not time yet." My lips moved to answer her query, choosing to respond in the most non-implicating way I could.