Evil (Pt 1)

"N-no… please. Oh, God! Please!" Charles begged as he saw the monster draw nearer to his wife.

Despite his feeble and powerless attempts to try stopping the monster that incessantly approached her, he couldn't move a muscle. The control I had over him would not allow Charles to leave his kneeling posture.

"Jeremy! You bastard! Why are you doing this?!" He growled, showing hate in his eyes as hot tears streamed down his cheeks.

Tasha, the poor man's lover, couldn't say much in her stunned state.

I could hear her struggling voice attempting to whisper something to him, but his enraged screams doused the woman's words.

"Why, eh…? I paused and placed my fingers on my chin, as though contemplating the matter.

At this point, the Hobgoblin Champion grabbed Tasha's body, easily lifting her up since she offered no resistance whatsoever.

Blood dripped from her body and Charles' eyes lit up further in rage and pain.