Evil (Pt 3)

"M-monster… you… you… should rot in hell…" Charles cried in anguish.

I shrugged off his insults. People like him never understood things from my perspective. I had no idea why I decided to do such a pointless thing like telling him so much about my philosophy.

"Welp, you have your opinion, and I have mine…" I whispered, touching him by the neck.

The man trembled as soon as our skins touched.

'I could easily kill you right now, but…'

"Y-you think you can get away with this? No matter how strong you are, you can't—"

"Can't what? Handle all the Gifted you have under your command? I'm sure you're pretty confident in their abilities seeing as they've all grown considerably." I nearly laughed in amusement.

Charles was most likely hoping that the Camp members heard his cries and came to rescue him. Even if they failed to save their leader, they could at least gang up on me in their numbers.