
I would have fainted several times over had it not been for my [Merciless] and [Dominator] Titles that seemed to keep my mental pillars intact.

I felt like I was barely on the edge of sanity!

Who… rather, what… was the being who was appearing beside me?!

"Human… No… Abberation…" A marvelous voice appeared behind me, causing all the hair on my skin to stand as I felt like I would die over and over again just from hearing it.

My stiff neck was forced to turn in both curiosity, dread, and total reverence.

My shivering body turned and my head remained bowed as I looked behind me, completely ignoring Lily who seemed to have collapsed as a result of the sheer pressure of whatever had manifested.

My eyes scoured the ground, but I found nothing on it. That only meant one thing…

'It… is floating…?!'